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+52 votes
Why does my daughter's fingers' knuckles become swollen during winter?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+32 votes
Best answer
I don't know how old she is but, a doctor can give her a blood test to see if she has rheumatism ( swelling from fluids in the joints from cold weather) or arthritis from just the opposite.. In the meantime it could be from several other types of problems, the doctor is the one to see here. . In the meantime have her wear warm woolen mittens, they're the best for warmth, in the cold weather, anything below fifty degrees.
by (4.0k points)
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0 votes
in my experiance, fingers tend to swell with climate change, like when you suddenly go from indoor- heated areas to outside in the cold. or vice-versa. i think its just a reaction to the change in temperature, sort of the way that roads get potholes. fingers in general tend to swell depending on blood-flow, and it has to do with circulation, so if your arms are held downwards for long periods of time, your fingers will be more swollen than if you held them above your head. if youre worried about it being harmful or something, i dont think that's the case, because nobody has ever told me it was bad or that there was something unhealthy about it, and its been happening to me since like middle school.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
that might be arthritis i knoiw me and my father had it when we were young try giving a low dose of motrin that may help.
by (4.6k points)