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+41 votes
Why does Windows Vista have a high price tag?
by (4.5k points)

5 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer
Yes. Linux is becoming more known and used, so, in time more software will be available. Maybe then people get Linux and we see how Microsoft enjoy sitting on overpriced software. But, as long as people pay the price, Microsoft will take it.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
If you built two boats by hand... 1) a little tiny rowboat you built in a week, and 2) a 50 foot yacht you spent a year on. If you were going to sell them, wouldn't you charge more for the yacht?. . If you don't like the price, as you said, go for the rowboat. I'll be cruizing on the Yacht!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
it allmost the same price as Xp if u buy basic. I have Windows Media which is the same price as Premien. Company like microsoft made many OS under the same name just to make more money it just a rule of business .
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Microsoft can basically charge whatever they like; they also make most of their money of their OSs so it makes sense that they want to earn substantial money of this too.. . Production/development costs also ran pretty high this time, with the additional emphasis on security.. . Microsoft is also encouraged do to this by PC manufacturers since then you'll be motivated to just buy a whole new PC or laptop. The manufacturers get the licenses at a lower price so you can get your new Vista Home Basic PC for prices starting at $400 (and supposedly, they'll make money off the $400 sale).. . Just for reference:. It doesn't cost anything to get Linux as long as you don't want any support. Download it off the Internet, burn the disk image, run and install.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
There are many levels of Vista, including one the same price as XP.. . However it is far cheaper to buy it preinstalled on a new PC, which is the gameplan. It drives new investment in PCs
by (4.4k points)