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+37 votes
How can I prevent my cat from urinating inside the house?
by (4.4k points)

12 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
little box must be clean always, and good size where cat feels comfortable going in - if little box is dirty the cat will find next clean place to pee in. and if it's an indoor cat definite any where inside the house.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
ur probably just a bad owner who doesnt change the litter in the litter box. just so u know, the litter box is a kitty's toilet.. and if u dont flush it, it gets backed up.. and no one that i know, wants to use a backed up toilet! change the fregan litter! dont blame the animals!!!!!!!!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Don't have cats
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
get your nose down there and sniff the areas where he sprays.. just Little over a foot high on walls corners and 'windie"' spots.. scrub with baking soda and lil water, rinse and rinse. Now... get out some green hot chiles or vinegar or onion or some. thing that a cat finds repulsive. make a pulp or paste and RE-. CLAIME yoooour territory. apply to his areas he marks.. about the littlerbox,, you know what to do.. this is is not a overnite cure. habits are hard to break. so get on it!~~~
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
YOu have to catch them first then use a spray bottle of water .. Also make sure the kittly litter is clean and if you have more then one cat you need another littler box for each one because they are terrotoral over space
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Cut one stick which length same as the cat's tail, then whether you place it vertically on the floor in bathroom or outside your house, where you want your cat to urinate at.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
cats urinating outside of a litter box usually indicates discontent. They will do this if they don't get the attention they want. They will also do this when their litter box is dirty. Sometimes, it can also indicate a urinary tract infection. Call a vet and ask their advise.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You need to be more specific with your question. If you have a litter box and the cat is not using it then there may be alot of reasons why...ask your vet.. If your cat has been declawed then it may not like the feel of the litter anymore and will not use it. If it is sick it will stop using the litter box. Or if you have another cat using the box it may not like using the same litter box.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
The same way you do dogs, except you get a litter box. You take them to where they pi..ed then you place them in their litter box. You do have to show them where their litter box is though, and you need to keep it where you put it. You also want to put it in a place where you will be satisfied (so you don't have to smell the p...). There is one dis advantage though you do have to keep the liiter box clean, because believe me if you don't it will start to stinkthe whole house up!!!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
The litter box is the key answer. You do have one, correct? When I was a first time host of a cat, I'd forgotten that part... LOL.. the bathtub was the next best thing for it. . . "In the house" is a given if you intend to keep it as a house cat. Cats are actually very clean animals... and tidy. They know where they need to go and what they want. Focus on getting him/her to the litter box when it's time to go and no other. I keep our litterbox that's always available in a bathroom... don't shut and lock the door! The cat's gotta have a place to go too!!.. even while you're away. Don't lock the cat out of where it's gotta go!. . After that, if training is an issue, (I've done this since I've moved a few times with the same cat), I'll close the room off where the litterbox is and leave him in there for 12 hrs or so... so he could figure out where the litter box is.. . Keep the litter box clean, though. Cats would probably do a better job than we would. Sift through it with one of those scoopers to pick out the poop and replenish what's been taken out with new litter. Once or twice a week is my routine.. . . I hope it helps,. Chris
by (4.3k points)