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+116 votes
What can I do to prevent my dog from urinating inside its crate?
by (4.4k points)

13 Answers

+23 votes
Best answer
a puppy should only be in the crate 1 hour longer than the pup is old in months 2 months + 1 hour = 3 hours max.. If you bought your pup from a pet store or a puppy mill this is a common occurance as the pups are born into and live in urine and poop filled environments.
by (4.4k points)
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When we get a puppy, every time it pees, we pinch it several times on the throat and put it face fisrt into the pee, it usually stops in about a week or so. You have to let it know that it has to pee outside.. . p.s.-don't hurt the dog badly with the pinch, just enough to get it's attention.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
I would call a vet and talk to them. It sounds like she may be scared of the crate/kennel. You may also want to get something like "get serious" which is a stain, odor and pheromone extractor which will get rid of the traces of pee so maybe she won't smell it in the crate still and keep peeing in it.. P.S. Please be very careful if you use bleach near dogs.
by (4.4k points)
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the first thing to remember about house training a puppy is there ability to hold themselves is limited. a rule of thumb is they can hold "it" usually 1 hour for each month of age. 2 months old = 2 hours, 3 months old = 3 hours, etc. when your puppy wakes up (morning, nap, whatever) the pup has to go, right then! take the pup out. when the pup eats or drinks, it has to go, take the pup out. after exercise (play), take the pup out. when the pup does it's thing outside praise it. a lot. tell the pup how good, how smart it is. you have to pay attention to the pups "looking for it's spot" behavior. when you see that behavior indoors, whisk the pup out. if you catch the pup in the act, simply tell it "NO!" and whisk it outside. if you find a puddle or pile after the fact, clean it up with an enzyme cleaner (pet food store) get a newspaper and hit.... yourself in the head and say "i should have been paying more attention" daytime training they get pretty fast. night time training is easier if you crate train the pup. also remember the one hour/one month rule. you will have to get up through the night to take the pup out. good luck.. . three websites on how to crate train a puppy. . . . . .
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Take her outside very often. At least every hour if the puppy is very young.. . When it is outside and if it goes to the bathroom, immediately praise it as bring it back inside. It will soon learn what "outside" is for.. . Clean out the kennel VERY WELL . Take all bedding out and wash them. Take kennel apart and sanitize with bleach water then rince well. (every single inch-inside/outside, sides, bottom, top, floor and ceiling). . It probably smells the urine and makes it want to go.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
A dog hates to pee in it's living area! But when they have to go they gotta go. Keep your puppy in its kennel when you can not watch her. Right away once you get here out of her kennel, TAKE HER POTTY! The best thing for a puppy is to develop a routine. It will reassure her that she is loved and can teach her body when it hold it. Take her out at the most every 2 hours.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
dont leave food and/or water inside the kennel, feed them twice a day on a schedule, reward them for going outside, sometimes if the kennel is to big the dog will go inside the kennel should be just large enough so that the dog can sit without the head touching the top, lay down comfortably and be able to turn around
by (4.3k points)
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Most dogs give off signs. They will sniff a spot and circle. You can watch for tell-tale behavior like that, and immediatly scoop up your dog and take her outside to "do the deed". Each time you go outside, take her to the same spot and use a code word like, "Go potty!" when you want her to us the bathroom. Gently pet her and praise her in a normal tone when she goes outide.. . I hope this helps you. I was so unsure when I got my dog...I read all the books and watched all the DVDs and bought all the best products. I can't imagine when I have kids!. . When she does use the bathroom where you don't want her to, don't rub her nose in it or anything else like that. Rubbing her nose in poop can cause infections, especially if she has tapeworms or something like that. Just wipe up the spot and make sure (this is very important!) that you use a pet spot cleaner. You can buy the best stuff on the market at PetSmart or SuperPetz. A less effective brand (but it still works) is available at Wal-Mart. If you only wiped up the spot, your dog will go back to that spot and smell her "target", and decide that's where she's supposed to go next time. The cleaner removes all the doggy scent from your floors and furniture, so the puppy can't smell it, and therefore, it isn't a choice potty spot.. . If you must leave your dog alone during the day, you may want to crate train or paper train your dog, at least for a little while. They're both extremely effective until your dog is housetrained.. . Also, you could put your dog on a schedule to housetrain her. When I first got my Rotti-Shepard pup, I would take him out every 20 minutes. Most of the time, he wouldn't do anything, but it wasn't the point. It got him used to the idea that outside was where that happened. . . You also may need to get up during the night and take her out. My dog is 6 months old and now goes outside every two hours during the day and every four hours at night. He is housetrained, though, so I can tell you that this works.. . A puppy will need to relieve herself after playing, eating, sleeping or napping, or any other activity that takes her mind away from the task at hand. I would take my puppy out right after eating, drinking water, playing, sleeping, or just lying around. As soon as he would move, we would go outside. . . Limiting your dog's water intake is also a possibility. It may just be that she is drinking too much water and her body can't use it all. Dogs should be provided fresh water with every meal, after playtime and sleeping, except at night. That wouldn't be a good idea. You're dog will not die of thirst or anything like . Most dogs give off signs. They will sniff a spot and circle. You can watch for tell-tale behavior like that, and immediatly scoop up your dog and take her outside to "do the deed". Each time you go outside, take her to the same spot and use a code word like, "Go potty!" when you want her to us the bathroom. Gently pet her and praise her in a normal tone when she goes outide.. . I hope this helps you. I was so unsure when I got my dog...I read all the books and watched all the DVDs and bought all the best products. I can't imagine when I have kids!. . When she does use the bathroom where you don't want her to, don't rub her nose in it or anything else like that. Rubbing her nose in poop can cause infections, especially if she has tapeworms or something like that. Just wipe up the spot and make sure (this is very important!) that you use a pet spot cleaner. You can buy the best stuff on the market at PetSmart or SuperPetz. A less effective brand (but it still works) is available at Wal-Mart. If you only wiped up the spot, your dog will go back to that spot and smell her "target", and decide that's where she's supposed to go next time. The cleaner removes all the doggy scent from your floors and furniture, so t
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
eeww!! keep changin her beddin!!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
she will stop eventually. When she figures out that that is HER place shell stop. No one want 2 sleep n pee.
by (4.4k points)