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What can I do to prevent my dog from urinating inside its crate?
by (4.4k points)

13 Answers

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no dog likes to sit in urine. Depending on her age - take her out at least every 4 hours. When you take her out TAKE her out. Tell her "go pee" until she does...then praise her lots. If she drinks within about 20 minutes she WILL have to pee so if she's coming in, drinking then going in the crate she can't help it. Have a safe place for her to be outside and when you know she has to go (after drinking, first thing in the morning etc) LEAVE HER OUT until she goes. Take up the water about 4 hours before bed time - take her out and (consistently) tell her "go pee". I've done several dogs that way and each one "pees on command" or so it seems to others. If she's really young - under 3 months - 4 hours is a stretch...but be consistent. If you start at 3 hours keep at 3. Watch for signs she has to go - sniffing, anxious...if it's been a while since she's been out take her out.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because the puppy got used to peeing where she slept while with the breeder. Some breeders do not care and will put them in a small area, or cage and the pup gets used to going in their own space.. . I have dealt with this several times with pups I have bought. SHe WILL stop, but it will take awhile. Keep her in her crate a lot, only out to go potty, and play.. Feed her in her crate as well, when done take out for potty.. When she goes potty outside paraise the heck out of and give her a small amount of baby food of your finger... . They love the taste and want more, so they will do what you want them to do to get that special treat. it works!!!. . Have lots of patience and do not ever scold her, just change the bedding.. Never put her into the crate until you have taken her potty first... If she does not pee outside place her in the crate for 10 minutes and then try again.. KEEP on doing this until she pees out side... . Email if you want more help..
by (4.4k points)
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by (4.5k points)