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+61 votes
What was the reason for George Bush not visiting Vietnam?
by (4.2k points)

19 Answers

+64 votes
Best answer
Because at the time, his dad was head of the CIA. You can't have the child of a high-positioned official in war-that would make him a target for kidnapping, and would have put his dad in a conflict-of-interest situation. The kidnappers would be making demands contrary to the policy of the war, and Bush 41 would have been likely to do whatever he had to for his kid.. . PS- This is a classic liberal line-if they're the ones that are so against the Vietnam War, shouldn't they be praising Bush for not serving in war?
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
The same reason his daughters dont join the military...all talk no action. Funny how nobody mentions that they dont believe enough in Daddy's war to serve isnt it?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Where was Clinton in Vietnam??, at least Bush served in the National Guard, and if he didnt have to go why would he??/
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Why didnt you go to Iraq?
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Why didn't Clinton? At least Bush served in the Guard - Clinton fled the country.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Um no Bush did not SERVE in the guard, he was ENLISTED thank to his father and James Baker. He just you know, collected the paychecks are rarely bothered to show up. Also Cheney himself had 5 deferments to get out of Viet Nam
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
He needed to help keep Alabama safe from invasion.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
by (4.6k points)
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Because he was trained to fly a type of aircraft that was not used in Vietnam.. . BTW - if you have not volunteered to go to Iraq. You are a hypocrite.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
This isn't something that I hold against Bush. (there are plenty of more important issues to disagree with him on). Clearly- he came from a wealthy, well connected, privileged family. That's no secret. Also not a secret were his partying, alcoholic ways as a young man. So- his family used their connections to get their boy a safer and more interesting military gig, flying jets in the National Guard, rather than being a foot soldier in Nam. Sounds reasonable to me. Heck- I'd consider it smart.. . Now- where I have the problem is when you compare Kerry's Nam service to Bush's. Here's a guy who also was priviledged, and could have gotten out of it, but instead he volunteered and served with distinction and was a bonafide hero. Then- when he saw the indescretions of the american forces- he did the american thing and legally and non-violently spoke out against things that he felt were wrong. Kerry was testifying in front of congress at an age when Bush was partying his ass off, and barely showing up for duty.. . the whole 'swift boat veterans for truth' is an abomination and an embarassment to Republicans. It was dirty politics at its worst.
by (4.6k points)