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+109 votes
Why is the entirety of religion necessary if one believes in a higher power and follows the golden rule?
by (4.0k points)

19 Answers

0 votes
Someone who thinks like me. Thank you. Now I know I'm not insane.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
May the Lord bless you and may the Holy Spirit fill you. The Lord is not just a God of love, Be careful that you do not insult Him by not reading His word. He wants you to believe in Him and when we believe we strife to more and more like Him. The only way you'll learn more about the Lord, is by praying and asking Him to show you the way.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because there are many many gods....a higher power could be anything...but The Most High God has a name...JEHOVAH Psalms 83:18. . And to be acceptable to Jehovah we do things His way. Worship him in the way he says.. . He sent Jesus to mankind to teach them about his will and purposes for us. . . If you want to be a part of God's Kingdom you must worship him the right way.. . If I made a car and gave you an instruction manual and you tossed it out the window and did everything your way......the car would break down and you could die.. . Same with God.....He made us and gave us our instruction manual..The Bible....we have to look into it and learn from that we don't die and our faith break down.. . And he tells us to meet together and incite each other to love and fine works. . And to go and teach others and baptize them
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I aggree with you to a point. Don't eat meat blah this blah that rules and regulations. I aint about that. Faith in God is about 2 key things the 2 most important comandments that aren't even one of the ten. Love God. Love your neighbors as yourself. All the rest of the ten and the other laws and prophets hang off of and center around those two. The rest is just religious stuff. Also one more it's important to meet with other believers for strength and support that's why we attend church and to spend time with God.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
There are many people who feel as you do. Religion has not really helped them, since many see through the fact that the churches of Christendom do not teach the truth about God or his purpose for mankind. As you said, supporting wars, collection plates, ministers who speak one way and act another, or openly gay, or some other form of immorality.. . Still, if one believes enough in that higher power, and wants to follow the 'golden rule', it seems to me that such a right hearted one would want to draw closer to the higher power, to learn more, and to understand how to please God, who is the highest power. . . The Bible is more than a 'Holy Book'. It is a record of the History of God's people. It is the handbook for life written by the creator of life for our fulfillment. The truth's in the Bible do not go along with Christendom's religious dogma, which teaches the doctrines of man, rather than those of God.. . So, religion is not important, knowing and understanding God's word is very important and I feel, that is what we should be interested in. There is so much more to understand than the simplicity of 'do unto others', things much more wonderfull to know.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
essentially religion's function is 2 create awareness of That which cannot be seen but can be Perceived.. . if u're aware but want 2 avoid the densities of religious alliegance (like i wish i could at times!) then i think th@s a wise choice.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
some people "need" stability, doctrine, something to guide them in how to get in touch with their faith - personally I don't think every rule/practice of a religion is "needed" but people should try and take what they can from their chosen religion, as a way to get closer to God.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
The rest of it is mainly tradition. Which is normally used to try to put people "in their place".. . Agreed. Most of it is garbage. But for some strange reason people have this need to use all of that to convert others to their way of thinking.... instead of just living what they claim is the Truth.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
i totally agree !!!. couldnt have said it better myself ......................i think organized religion was made up simply as a way to control and make money .......................altered,,,,,interpeted,,,,,ego driven ,,,power hungry ,,,,sad thing is it worked :{:{:{:{
by (4.3k points)