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+35 votes
How can you vote for a policy that involves withdrawing troops from a conflict?
by (4.3k points)

6 Answers

+20 votes
Best answer
You mean Cut & Run vs. Stay & Bleed?. . Have a Nice Day!
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
the democrats want resolution. THE REPUBLICANS HAVE NO PLAN.. The simple minded are easily swayed by the simple words of bush
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Vote for Republicans supporting the war who sign a pledge that their sons, daughters and grandkids will serve a year in Iraq until we achieve victory.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
To say democrats will leave Iraq is ignorant. We cannot leave Iraq and they know it. Bush has assured this by pissing of most every mailitia and activist military over there, meaning we can't leave because they will immediately take over and then aim right at us. You may hear Dems say "Were going to find a way out of Iraq" but I don't think its going to happen. In fact, I think we may be over there until the end of time, inadvertantly Americanizing the country.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
"CUT AND RUN" was sooo like,, 5 minutes ago.. is this just some Republican bashing? I vote based on the research I do over every candidate, and Amendment presented on my ballot. Here's some procedure for ya,, instead of bashing! If you registered to vote you should have received a sample ballot last week or the week before, outlining the candidates and the actual ballot. You can check your local paper, my jurisdiction's candidates were featured in this past Sunday's paper. You can get that at the library. Also included with your ballot might be a profile page, which is merely a synopsis of why you should vote for them, based on their action/platform; keep in mind, they have written it to persuade your vote. You can be either a Republican or a Democrat or be of Non Party Affiliation. Either way, you can vote however, you want, for Amendments and candidates, or write in your choice. Your local news might have an Election 2006 link on their website that has profiles and shows opposition and favor for those running in your county, state, as they differ from every ones. . It would take too long to explain the different views that make up either Party and the GOP.. and offer you synopsis about the power of the government and how it relates to a preponderance of a certain party in power. This should get you started, with a fair and informative approach to voting. Good luck!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Very easily...pull the lever
by (4.2k points)