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+121 votes
How can someone be found guilty of committing fraud in the Social Security disability system?
by (4.4k points)

7 Answers

+102 votes
Best answer
Mu suggestion is that you have someone else call, too! This should get the SS poges off their dead @sses, and get out and catch this low life. More of us need to do just what this gal has done. Blow the whistle on these dead beats, because they're draining the system far quicker than it needs to be drained.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
SSA didn't tell you what they need? Guess you'll have to figure out that on your own.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You might have to go higher up the hierarchy, and do what you can to document their behavior. The FBI might be too high, but they might be willing to tell you who to call. My impression is that rank-and-file SS people don't generally care, they get paid for the paperwork. Call a federal courthouse and ask.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
SSA OIG investigates fraud on SSDI. So you may have contacted the wrong office, or it is currently being investigated- they will not just shut off someones benefits on your say so, nor tell you that they are conducting na investigation.. So, try calling the Social Security Administration, Office of the Inspector General, leave them the information, and send a letter also.. You can also complain to your congressional representative...they can push for investigations also-but that would be a second or third choice.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
If the person's fraud was so "obvious", it seems reasonable to assume that the SSA would have caught on, doesn't it? All any civic-minded person can do is report what they know and leave it alone. Sooner or later, things will catch up with that person, and the further you distance yourself from the whole thing, the better off you will be. Don't obsess about this. There are many more wrongs to help set right in the world. You did your best with this one. Move on.. . The only thing that would cause me to suggest that you continue to pursue "justice" would be if you personally were somehow directly involved with the fraud, or are somehow personally, directly benefitting from it. If that's the case, I would suggest you speak with an attorney, to assist in clarifying your criminal liability.. . Since you've stated that you weren't close with the person, being implicated doesn't seem likely, so, my advice of moving on stands.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
It doesn't matter how close you are to the person - you did your part by reporting it, it's up to the SS Administration to do theirs now. . They won't do anything automatically to the person 'suspected' just based on what someone says, but chances are good that it will lead to an investigation.. . Hopefully you have very good reason to suspect and report fraud, and it's not just because you dislike the person. You may not know all the reasons the person is on disability, and what you are seeing may not tell the whole story. Being disabled does not mean that a person is not able to do anything.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
what is wrong with you you don't have enough problem's going on in your own life? i have seen many people that look just as healthy as can be but we as humans cannot see the damage to their inside are their mind's only the doctor's and test can tell, so are you a doctor?have you examine this person? are you there when they are hurting are you there on their good/bad day's? my husband had cancer too and no one could tell by looking at him he was at death door b/c he worked like a horse and had all kinds of energy but they did not see him on his bad day's but i did and i knew how he was suffering so do not just presume someone is not disable by your naked eye
by (4.2k points)