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+75 votes
What is the connection between fluer de lice's and New Orleans?
by (4.4k points)

4 Answers

+109 votes
Best answer
It's FLEUR de LIS, and itis one of the symbols of France, and of the Province of Quebec. . Way back when... Britain conquered the French in Quebec , many people chose to relocate to Louisiana. They were Acadians, and that's where the term CAJUN comes from, and they also kept the Fleur de Lis as a symbol.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
because the fluer de lice is a french symbol and about 99 precent of the population in New Orleans are of french decent. actually 99 precent of the population in Louisiana are of french decent. you need to read up on Louisiana
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Fleur de Lis. It was the symbol of the King of France and there is lots of French heritage in Louisiana. In fact the Louis part of Louisiana is named after the French King.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The fleur-de-lis was a symbol adopted by the French Monarchy and while not adopted as an official symbolin French Republics, the symbol remained prominate in many of those areas (including Louisiana). Check Wikipedia for more information about the fleur-de-lis..
by (4.2k points)