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+97 votes
Why is New Orleans rebuilt after being destroyed?
by (4.4k points)

15 Answers

+30 votes
Best answer
because people have lived there all their lvies and want to rebuild, and its one of those things that you cant really say "no" to without looking like a total a$$ hole and riling up tensions so politicians just give them however much money they want even though rebuilding elsewhere is without a question the logical thing to do. plus youd probably get called a racist.. . i could hardly tell what damage the flood caused and what was there before, the place was a dump to begin with
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Why do we make our beds......we are just going to sleep in them.. Why do we flush.....we are just going to do it again. Why do we kiss anyone goodbye......we are going to see them again in 8 hours.. Why do we bathe........still going to get dirty. Why do we doesn't really matter anyway. . OK....I will stop. I can't give you a valid reason why people would want to rebuild a place that they have known (for most) . their entire lives. I am too much of a humanitarian for that.. . We can't STOP the why don't we find out if better plans are in place. Stringent warning systems, area officals and law enforcement.....trained this time, better built dams.....etc.. . Peace
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
they are a bunch of liberal democrats running the government that is = a bunch of idiots running the city government
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Ok... the people who were mostly effected by the hurricanes in New Orleans were the poor people. The ones in the bad areas where the levees broke. Do you really think they have any say in what is or isn't being rebuilt? NO. I sincerely doubt it. They didn't even have the resources to get out of New Orleans in the first place before the storm hit. So, I'm pretty sure they aren't the ones "rebuilding" the city. And its not just New Orleans. Florida, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, etc. They are in hurricane territory. They always get hurricanes and tornadoes. Some worse than others of course. But, the situation is not just limited to New Orleans. So, who is doing the rebuilding? The Government and Investors out there. Why are they allowing it? Because they want to make money. True, a Katrina situation could, and probably will happen all over again. But, they won't worry about it until the time comes.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Why do doctors try to cure dying patients? why do firemen put out half destroyed buildings? why do people on here ask moronic questions? Why ask why.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
because we're in America and people here generally don't think ahead. Look at the Iraqi war.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
speaking from the heart as a fellow new orleanian, we do need to rebuild our city and if it takes billions then so be it because what people are failing to realize is , this is "HOME" to most of us some not having any other place to call home and really if your not from there you cant understand we love our town its where most of us was born and raised and some still plan to die there but by natural causes , so whats wrong with us trying to give ourselves a make over for a better new orleans to more equiped for the next disater and the next and if that takes billions so be it , miss, florida, and other places rebuild so what new orleans is beyond help , no i dont think so , we love our city and i for one belivev we will survive
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Well, it shouldn't just sit there. It should be made to live and yes it could be destroyed again. Or if that isn't good enough, people should just move out of there.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Well lets see I lived in New Orleans now I live in texas and i can say there is nothing like New Orleans its a great city I miss it, but yeah youre right your life is more important but I think they spend so much on cause it has History I dont mean history like whats happening , I mean the French Quarter history for real , if you've never been there you wont undertsand!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because people can't let go of what they believe to be "their" culture. They refuse to accept the fact of science that it will happen again. It is called ignorance.
by (4.5k points)