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+100 votes
I had a hysterectomy and now sex is painful, what happened during the surgery?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+45 votes
Best answer
Intercourse shouldn't hurt after a hysterectomy. I suggest you go and see a gynecologist and see what is the problem. Good luck!
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
This should not be at all.I just had that done also in oct. and i do not have this problem.You need to go back to the doctor and discuss this.I had heard this before i had my surgery too and was scared about it too but i do not have this problem and you shouldnt either. Go visit the doc.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
If it's been long enough that you're healed, it might be lack of lubrication. Your hormones are adjusting. If they took one or both of your ovaries, you should get on Hormone Replacement Therapy like Premarin. Definitely see a doc to make sure you don't have some scar tissue or some physical reason for the pain. It will get better. The person who commented that women would have this major surgery for men needs to buy a better grade of whatever they're smoking.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
they took out your uterus. i really don't understand why any woman would want to butcher herself for the sake of men's enjoyment
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Honey, probability makes the odds pretty low, but on the literature they gave me to read for my hysterectomy, it sometimes can hurt to have intercourse after your operation. You didn't say how long its been since your operation - maybe you just need to wait a bit more for everything to heal some more. It is major surgery, and all your other internal organs need time to settle into new positions now that your uterus etc has been taken out. . You really do need to go back to your gynocologist and discuss these issues, and if your gyno is no good (mine wasn't for me) don't be afraid to see another gyno. You deserve to know what has happened to your body, and talk about the changes because of the operation - there are lots of things that can help you to cope with the changes to your body & even the pain you are experiencing. The key is being brave enough to talk with doctors about it.. Good luck, and be brave. Don't let them brush you off-ask and insist on answers and help.
by (4.4k points)