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+112 votes
What specific reason did your friend provide for saying something?
by (4.2k points)

17 Answers

+64 votes
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My parents always tell me it's rude to have your elbows on the table while eating, but I also think it's rude to physically push someone's elbows off the table. If you go out to a nice restauraunt then you should refrain from putting your elbows on the table, but no one gets dirty looks in McDonald's for this offense.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
It shows poor table ethics.the proper code ; is arms at your side. except for eating ,never are the arms to touch the table.its not about rude. or disrespect, its table ethics.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
It is classed as rude but many years ago it was classed as good manners, when your elbows were on the table you could not have your weapon (dagger) in your hand. Therefore everybody felt safe, as they could see if you were holding a weapon. . I do not know when it was changed to having elbows on the table being rude.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
My mother was very big on manners....and I can remember that one of the BIG rules at the dinner table is NO ELBOWS on the table. Proper dinner table etiquette says that you should have your napkin in your lap, and the hand that you do not eat with on your lap as well. Goes right along with chew with you mouth closed, and no talking while chewing, and pass the potatoes please.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Supposedly, ya, it's considered rude. It kind of depends on you family and their background. Some families don't care, others are very strict about it. It also depends on the restaurant. If it was a fast food, or casual diner type place, putting your elbows on the table would be fine. At some place a little fancier, however, it's probably not OK.
by (4.6k points)
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by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Yes, putting your elbows on the table while eating is considered very rude.. . There are many different theories as to the origin of this etiquette rule; according to one source, the great houses and castles of England during the middle ages did not have dining tables in the great halls, so tables were made from trestles and covered with a cloth. The diners sat along one side only; if they put their elbows on the table and leant too heavily, the table could collapse.. . I believe, however, that we find elbows on the table rude because the person leaning on the table with their elbows is taking up more than their alloted amount of space. . . Whatever the origin, however, keeping your elbows off the table during mealtimes is a well accepted practice of good dining manners.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
yes, its rude. dont do it, unless ur at a fast food restaurant.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It is considered impolite to put ones elbows on the table especially amongst children. This rule tends to be relaxed as one gets older. I think that your friend was correct in her judgement but very impolite in her manner of dealing with it.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Good manners says it's not right to put your elbows on the table......... . However I have scoliosis.....curvature of the spine all my life, and I don't like to tell anyone....and it helps my balance when I PUT MY ELBOWS ON THE TABLE..... . and you definitely need to tell the other person that it is rude, and downright illegal to put you hands on another's elbows or any part of any other person's body, without their permission.. . Yes, your so called friend was rude, and broke the law by assaulting the other child!. . Now, remember that for the rest of your just not matter how uppity the other person thinks they are.. . It takes a real friend to say, hey, don't hurt my friend and don't push people around!!!!! affected you so badly, that you wrote it!
by (4.3k points)