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+34 votes
How can I manage high blood pressure of 140/90 without medication?
by (4.5k points)

16 Answers

+105 votes
Best answer
it is not so high, however, you have to keep eye on you numbers. mostly, when people lose their weight (about 3~5% of you body weight) it helps dropping HBP. Good luck
by (4.6k points)
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If you are 50+ then this figure may be considered as not so alarming. But if you are anywhere below that, I am sorry to say that you need precautions. Presuming that you are already consulting cardiologist who might have prescribed certain types of blood thinner say aspirin and beta blockers, which are considered as normal and essential worldwide by the idiopathic doctors. As a stop gap arrangement I would suggest you to keep on taking those pills. But there are for sure other measures also which would be helpful to you to keep your blood pressure normal.. . 1. You know the best thing is to start exercising.. 2. Pranayam and meditation will also give you effective help.. 3. Reduce salt as much as you can.. 4. Stop taking oily stuff -- rather stop using oil.. 5. Stop eating red meat.. 6. Get yourself thoroughly checked up. Lipid profile, ECG, Stress Echo (one Thallium is also there), TMT may give you the real picture of your heart. . . At last, I would also suggest you to go through the book of Dr.Bimal Chajed (I am sorry if I have spelt his name incorrectly) on the variety of subjects say heart, BP, Meals of BP patient. . . By the aid of these steps you will be able to reverse the process of accumulation of fats in your arteries and will be again a perfectly fit person. Take care.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Hi,. An early morning walk of 1-2 kms to begin with, strict vegetarian diet and ofcourse tension free.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
What is your age,you have not stated. For this range of BP, medication is not required. Reduce salt and aft intake. Do some mediatation. Don't get angry.You shall be alright.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You have not specified your age. Well to start with reduce in take of salt, go for walks and try to keep your temperment cool if you get triggered i.e irritated very soon. Meditation would help you to keep yourself cool.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Hi there,. . Sleep well.. Think positively.. Eat healthy. Reduce salt and sugar intake.. Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes everyday.. Do simple stretching exercises for 15 minutes everyday.. Practice yogic breathing. You can get a lot of information on the internet. Search for Bhastrika (which is basically slow and deep breathing), Anuloma Viloma and Brahmari pranayama. Do these for at least 15 minutes everyday.. Meditate everyday for about 15 to 30 minutes.. Take a morning walk in the park and enjoy nature.. Do all these things regularly for about 21 days and you will see a difference.. . I hope this helps. Good Luck!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
iam a doctor you have 2 days to live enjoy them why'll you can pissssssssed
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Decrease your sodium intake and exercise more, reduce the amountof caffeine you have.... . This is all preventive ways to lower your bp but if it doesn't work you may need to be on some kind of meds for it
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
you just have to do a lifestyle change, if you are currently eating too much meat and high-cholesterol foods, then you should lessen it.. little-by-little.. you should do exercise... but don't overdo it, because you might suffer from muscle pains and any other ailments.. you should not get stressed always.. try to be happy as much as possible.. .. hope this helps.. :Þ
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Im morning u do Yoga- (i) Kapalbharti 10 mints & (ii) AloromBilom- 10 mints. Do Accupurature treatment in ur palm at heart point.. In morniging u take juice of cucumbar or Lauki. Thats all.
by (3.9k points)