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+99 votes
How can one determine the purchase price of a house?
by (4.5k points)

6 Answers

+88 votes
Best answer
You can search the local property tax records they are a part of the freedom of information act. They should be available at the county court house.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
If you know a realtor who has MLS access and the home was in the MLS system, this is the first way I would check. 2nd would be tax assessor's records. However, as a realtor, I have found that the records on the assessor's website can be VERY wrong - so I don't take those numbers as gospel. And mind you, in some areas, unless you are the homeowner in question, you cannot check the info - it's private. The last option would be to check out the recorded deed. In some areas it may actually be downloadable as a pdf on the county website. In less high-tech areas, you would have to go to the county recorder's office (typically at the courthouse) and look there.. I wouldn't bother with sites like and such. The numbers on there are usually very wrong - either too high or too low.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Go to town hall the assessors office get a copy of the street card the price may be on there. If not find the volume and page numbers on the street card go to the clerks office and look it up in the volume the deed is recorded in. You can also check the day book in the vault if you know around what date it was purchased it would be helpful.. The other way is to look it up in the commercial record news paper again know the date or just look up in your area newspaper. Your area newspaper is the hardest because you don't know when it was reported so there might be more searching necessary.. If an agency sold it call them and see if they will tell you what it closed for that is public knowledge but you might get drilled from the agent.. . Make it easier ask the new owners!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
depends on what state you live in. In Texas, it's not public info. Might be in the MLS if it was sold by a Realtor.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
try it has a lot of stuff on it
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
the tax accessor the register of deeds can Tell you
by (4.6k points)