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Why does the media seem to lean towards liberal views?
by (4.3k points)

11 Answers

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The media is a bastion of liberalism. That's not just some peoples' viewpoint, it is the results of every study on the matter. People in the media were asked to identify their political views, and about 80% are liberals.. . I live in Chicago, and we have two newspapers. The Chicago Tribune is by far the better of the two, but it has too many articles written by the likes of uber liberal Molly Ivans rather than someone like the more conservative (and fair minded) Kathleen Parker. The Chicago Sun Times is just for semi-literate coupon clippers. Anything they write is for people with an 8th grade education, so conservatives don't read it.. . The Clinton episode was just a media feeding frenzy. It was shameless. I was no Clinton supporter, but I bitterly resented our President's attention being forcibly taken away from important issues (like terrorism). We must wonder how much more he could have accomplished if it weren't for the relentless attacks.. . The fact that the liberal media joined in like a bunch of frothing at the mouth hyenas does not diminish the fact that they are extremely liberal. These journalists to not respect the tradition of self-restraint their profession once observed. Even though JFK had many dalliances, the press did not expose them.. . Nowadays, they just want to expose the next big story and become the next Woodward & Bernstein.. . What you omit in your analysis is the fact that the press turns a blind eye to almost any misdeeds done by fellow liberals. For example, Al Franken can say the most despicable things, day after day, but if Ann Coulter should say something controversial, it's front page news.. . The irony is that Al Franken's comments are just vile lies, while at worst, Ann Coulter's comments are just unpleasantly worded truths.
by (4.3k points)