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+99 votes
Why does the media seem to lean towards liberal views?
by (4.3k points)

11 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
The media does focus on who is in power and usually will go out of their way to say how everything is wrong and will give cancer. When Clinton was in office it was the right wing conspiracy media.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Liberal Biased not based. That is just a way to attack valid criticisms against conservatives. You are right about the media, they are not liberal or conservative, just sensational. Whatever will get people to watch. Now with indecency fines at 325,000 a shot and bible thumpers sitting at home waiting to call up for any little thing....expect it to be more of the same.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Boy are you confused . You must believe every thing that Rush tells you . . Don't you know that the media is owned by the large Corporations and they don't want you to know anything that's going on in this country . They own Congress and Bush . We are all in the dark . Check it out yourselve , you have a brain , use it .
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Come on now , You know how juicy a case was Monica's.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because the "Liberal" media keeps telling them that over and over and over.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
IF the media were liberal -based.... . When Bush had his gay lover. Jeff Gannon pose as a reporter . it would have been big news like. the Monica crud....but sigh..... ALL media is now run by Bush. which means media is controlled. by Big Brother....
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
a 2004 pew poll found that reporters define themselves liberal at a 34% rate. they found conservates at a 7% rate. so almost 5 to 1 liberal basis. and the enron scandal happened during the Pres. Clinton adminstrition but was persucted during the Pres. Bush adminsration. also Enron gave over 2 million dollars to democrats during Pres. Clinton adminstration. and for Monicia lie it was about perjury and obstruction of justice on the Paula Jones case. which is funny that other Americans who have been found guilty of perjury in similar situations are sitting in jail. and it is also funny that the media framed all these stories from the point of view you are speaking from. instead of the facts.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
What is Lberal based? I feel. I think that term has changed over the years. Because someone will disagree with policies they are called anti administration. Is a Conservative today like they are supposed to be Economically carefull. I do not believe in terms as such nowadays. <<they say because you may be against the war in Iraq you are anti- american . That is not true either. All Americans support the troops, just hate to see so many young people killed.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
They aren't Liberal Biased!! How many poor people own the media?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Most of it is due to the public being more vocal when they are liberal and the media picks up on it. The homosexual population is relatively small in comparison to the heterosexuals, yet they are heard more. The liberal churches are given more news even if they are relatively small in comparison to the conservatives because they make news and are controversial. The media is also very concerned with rights, especially the freedom of speech, so it should be no surprise that they support other freedoms too.
by (4.3k points)