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+7 votes
Why don't police officers often show leniency?
by (4.3k points)

13 Answers

+115 votes
Best answer
Some people are so stupid and you're right: people like him mess it up for all of us. Personally, I really and truly appreciate it when a police officer shows some humanity and common sense. I've been fortunate enough in our city to have always been treated with respect by police officers and I'm grateful for that.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
What a jerk. . I hope he never gets another break.. He sounds like one of those guys that knows everything about everything and is too good to be bothered. Screw him. Lock him up next time.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I don't wonder about it...The cops have given me a break once or twice...
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I cant say about this particular situation,I'd have to know alot more.. I do know all LEAs have their POST training,and each states rules of the road mannual,and should when possible be flexible,and indeed by the law can be this way,there is absolutely nothing odd,bad, or unusual about such behavior.. The last part of your query did not seem to make sense.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Police officers swore an oath, basicly protect and serve. They are held on a higher standard to serve the law. But I'm sure he will now think twice about being nice. Karma will come back to you.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Ever wonder why they aren't forgiven either?. Cause the don't forgive and neither do you.. Just like the inquisiton you keep rehashing old history instead of letting people go when they make a mistake, ooops sorry I forgot, your perfect and we a re all scum. . Need a mirror?. Learn to forgive so these people can be saved and helped and we will be saved too. I am sick of exclusive boys clubs persecuting people for one mistake for their whole life. lOOOKKKK at your criminal government, that's why we're gonna burn.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
It depends on the call. Public intoxication is a midemeanor and if the Officers are busy they will abate it (let him go if someone else is there to take the person home etc). In some localities the Police force is short handed and officers will try to focus on more serious crime (Rape, Armed robberym Murder etc) so some folks can catch a break. Really, they are supposed to arrest of course but officers use their discretion a lot.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Just for the record.Police officers are to be looked up upon and respected. They can't give everyone one that they are acquainted with a break.They take an oath and should honor it. sorry about your friend but maybe he will learn not to break the law. sorry..
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Primary purpose of the Police is to enforce the law not give people a break.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'm not sure that I understand what your question really is? Are you urging me to believe that cops 'go by the book'? I've been treated very well by cops..usually. But I at least had enough sense not to call the station to complain about the situation. What exactly was the complaint the released guy made? "Drunk" is a major charge..."disorderly conduct" is minor. If I'd been released on a 'drunk' suspicion, you can bet that I would NOT call to complain about it. :-)
by (4.5k points)