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+91 votes
How can I find a list of vehicles seized by local authorities that will be auctioned soon?
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer
CALL EACH AGENCY seperatly they will have your information-but remember they will keep the cool cars (cops love FREE vettes) and sell off the beaters and not so cool cars-at the auction you will be competing with shrewd car dealers who go EVERY DAY!then if you win one always remember after seziure the cars were NOT REKEYED or REPAINTED!!anyone that had it out for ole bad bad leroy brown might mistake YOU! or you could meet MR.Brown in person-like they say on ebay good luck and good bidding-LOL!!!!
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
look in the newspapers
by (4.1k points)