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+51 votes
Why do some people believe that liberals support terrorism for political gain?
by (4.5k points)

13 Answers

+97 votes
Best answer
Anything to hurt the President, even if it hurts the country as well. Do you know how many defenses of Saddam I have seen here? Yet all the Marines in Haditha are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Technically, it is the conservatives who are embracing terrorism. Halliburton, Chevron, BP and more companies than I care to list here all have some major ties to conservative politicans, and are making them super wealthy with our occupation in Iraq. The presidents approval rating only goes up when he's talking about terrorists and they actually catch/kill one (face it: he's a BAD president, his administration sucks, and it didn't take Kerry or Kennedy to help the public see that). . . Every time someone speaks out against the president, which is our God given right per the Constitution, they are seen as un-American and un-patriotic. Whoever makes these accusations is the real culprit because they are punishing people for exercising the rights that make America the democracy it is. Liberals don't embrace terrorism. They embrace a secure democracy, a progressive society, and a country whose budget is not in a defecit due to the manipulation of a backwards administration.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Liberals will embrace sh*t if another liberal tells them "This is the thing to do!" I ain't liberal most of the time!. .
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Liberals do not embrace terrorism for political gain. Do you honestly think Al Qaeda is liberal? What liberals do embrace terrorism for political gain? Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy are terrorists? When did Hillary Clinton drive a plane into a building? Did I miss something with that question? What liberal embraces terrorism? Who is liberal who embraces terrorism? Show me one. . . I thought what fundamentally set apart Al Qaeda and the fundamentalist mullahs in the Middle East was their right wing agendas? . . Do you know the difference between your left and your right? I hear they are teaching that in kindergarten these days. You might need a refresher course.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Roseknows, . Good points are you still awaiting a answer. The fuuny thing about it living in a politically mixed state I have been debates about politics, the basic to a major degree are shared opinions of both Dem's and Rep's but when it comes morals and values is where I've seen the disagreement, in my personal opinion Rep's tend to be more concerned with talking about morals and values then actually practicing them, how can you preach God & Religion, but yet strongly support the NRA, guns which are used more for wrong than right, support a war that is killing young soldiers mainly 18-29 years old destroying these young people, but yet you feel you have the right to tell a woman that if she chooses to have an abortion is murder, but the support of war which is murder also of people who are living doesn't matter and to top it off back to abortion what support does your moralistic prolife Reps. show a woman who their trying to sway to keep children they probally can't afford, the same ones that look down on her for needing assistance for the same kid/s they drilled her to keep. I have supported DEM's because I am half African American and half Cherokee Indian, I don't know of any REP's that supported civl rights strongly for my culture, or gave a damn so my people who actually be treated like human beings, in what was hypocritically called a Free Country.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Liberals are invested in President Bush's defeat. They hate the just use of the military as they believe people can be reasoned with and understood, avoiding conflict. Political Gain is all the liberals desire and now they've demonstrated that they'll pay any price to have it.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
First, you question is illogical. You are asserting facts not in evidence. Also, you are generalizing. Finally, It is my belief, based upon your question, that you have no intention of thinking, let alone deep thinking. What you are doing is regurgitating talking points you obviously heard somewhere. This is not higher level thinking as parrots are capable of the same action.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Delve on with your bad self moron!.!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
For political gain - of course. . . We don't care how many millions are killed as long as we have a chance to get back into power.. . Look what happened to Truman's pole numbers after he killed 300,000 Japaneses civilians at the end of the war. They skyrocketed.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I think you meant to say ecomonic gain. If it fattens their wallets, that all that matters, they figure it is not their lives on the line, but they are wrong. Terrorism affects the whole country under attack.
by (4.3k points)