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+105 votes
Why do people seem to pay more attention to Mexican immigrants compared to others?
by (4.6k points)

36 Answers

+92 votes
Best answer
I know there are a lot of immigrants that are not white. The reason people focus on Mexicans is because they are trying to use racism to get their own way with immigration laws. Also Mexicans make up the majority of immigrants to the united states and they are relatively well organized when it comes to protesting. This makes them more of a threat to the white American way of life.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Mexicans are noticed so much because the majority of the illegal immigrants are Mexican!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
mexicans are noticed because they are takin over all of the jobs and people that live here in america don't have any jobs and are losing business because of the immigrants. don't get me wrong i didn't mind the immigrants coming over to america i respected them tryin to make it for themselves and there families.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I don't know why,but I totally agree with you %1,000,000
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Easy targets.. There is a greater cultural impact, on american culture.. There is a greater influx of because of the history and location of Mexico. . and because the forces that want you hate to be racist and scared want easy targets to a very complex situation.. . Besides if they attack all immgrants they will rally more oppostion to thier xenophobia, and unite more people in social justice.. . the racist logic is...."brown people make america less white."
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Pure ignorance, my friend. Most Americans wouldn't even know where Guatemala or Chile or Colombia are. And it's in the same American Continent. That's another issue. Everybody from Alaska all the way down to Chile is AMERICAN because the continent is called AMERICA. Most Americans are just not well educated in geography.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Alot of illegals are from Mexico.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because Mexicans and other Hispanics constitute the greater number of illegal immigrants in the US due to Geographical proximity.Other communities like Germans,. Greeks Italians etc emigrated to US the last part of 19th. century and the first part of the 20th due to special reasons.It is unlikly they would do so now...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Immigration and people's attitudes toward it changed after World War II. While many "white" immigrants were still coming in, they pretty much stuck to their burroughs and for the most part integrated into American society. They picked up English quickly because they made it a priority, and before they learned enough English they only associated with people of their own kind... actually even after they learned English they still just associated with people of their own kind. Mexicans, however, seem to stick out like a sore thumb. A large part of that is because of the sheer number of recent immigrants (recent meaning within 15-20 years)... while the rest of America has become somewhat integrated and homogeneous (at least on the surface), Mexicans are still in that awkward stage that most immigrant groups were in 75 years ago.. . However, maybe the biggest reason Mexican immigrants get so much attention is the fact that we share a border with them. Sure, we also share a border with Canada... but Canada is a developed nation with citizens who like it there. Mexico, on the other hand, is a sh1t hole... I don't care how much they love it there, they gotta admit that they left because it is a third world country. Sure, people jump the Canadian border all the time... but nowhere near the numbers that come from the south -- and to make the gap between the comparison even bigger, those coming from the north probably went to high school and speak English, which means they're 90% integrated right there no matter what color their skin is.. . Now, don't get me wrong... I love immigrants. Everyone I'm related to, aside from my little sister, is an immigrant. Some of them are legal, some are not. The fact is that immigrants fill a void in the American economy that Americans don't want to fill. I was born in the US... I just graduated college and I'm looking for a job... are you shocked that I'm not applying for jobs to pick oranges or clean motel rooms? Not that immigrants are second-class citizens (they're not citizens at all, in fact), but I guess you can call it social entropy... those who are not yet integrated into society are forced to take the jobs that nobody else wants. However, this also makes them necessary. There's no way a carton of Florida OJ would cost less than $4 if citizens had to be paid minimum wage to pick and process the oranges... and that's IF you can find citizens who want to do that. Even most American homeless people either wouldn't do it or they'd seriously mess it up (mental illnesses are highly common among the homeless population, and that doesn't mesh well with a 9-5). Just look at unemployment rates in US cities.... an illegal immigrant can come into almost any US city and have a job by the end of the week, so how can there be any excuse for an American citizen to be without a job? No, they aren't taking jobs away from us... we just don't want those jobs.. . Anyway, this has become a rant. My point is that Mexicans get all the attention because they are the most highly visible and universally recognized immigrant group today. The Germans went through it, the Irish went through it, the Italians went through it... now it's the Mexicans' turn. The key to getting through this rite of passage is integration. This doesn't mean at all that they have to lose their Mexican identity, but they have to adapt to American customs, and the biggest obstacle is learning the language and becoming literate, even though many may not even be very literate in their native language. And they have to not be so proud of overpopulating the country... overpopulation is not good no matter who you are, unless you WANT the US to turn into the Mexico you left.. . Oh, and I want to add that a huge strike against Mexicans in general, not just immigrants, is the contempt many hold for territories that once belonged to Mexico... as you sta
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
They no speaka the langauge.Mexicans need to realize that when General Sam Houston captured Santa Anna he could have just killed him and invaded what is present day Mexico,instead he spared his life and purchased Texas.Later on he sold us more land.Mexicans tend to forget that their country was also invaded by the Spanish in the search for gold.They inslaved and slaughtered the Inca and Aztec tribes.I have a step-mother from Mexico who is very much just a typical Mexican,that believes that Texas still belongs to Mexico and that every white person owes her something.Nevermind that 98% of her family is here illegally soaking up a free education and whatever wellfare they can get by having babies on US soil,while dealing dope from their HUD homes.To me they are like a cancer that is killing our society slowly over time.
by (4.3k points)