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+33 votes
How can I manage my eating habits and emotional well-being to prevent stress and depression?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+58 votes
Best answer
write your whole problem down then reread it it will make u see the whole picture as another person out of the story. u know when ur watching or reading a noval and u think ur smarter than the chrecters thats what am asking u 2 do
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
well eating is better than being depressed,, actually dieting depresses people,, a crying child will stop crying when is given a chocolate,, anyway,, Go to GYm love ur self , care about it , u will not be loved by others if u do not love ur self,, meet people and be busy,, i am sure u will pass the depression...
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
have somebody who can listen, exercise to reduce the stress. it normal that u eat a lot because u were nervous, u have to relax. just think in ur mind, dont eat... ur mind is everything, it heal the body in many way. find a way to expression urself, perhap poetry would help.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
i'm in the same boat. lets talk next time you get hungry. maybe we can help each other.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
try to get help from family, friend, theprapist, priest, anyone. try to figure out whats causing all thie depression. if youve been feeling this for awhile take medication. but please dont attempt suicide, youll hurt your future and your loved ones. suicide is the last resort, actually its not a resort, its not even an option. try to be optimistic and try to look at the good things in life and the good things in yourself, you may think you dont have any, but you probably do, you just have to look hard, inside. just try talking to someone, fight to be better, dont waste your life, so many people have it worse than you, and theyre fighting too.
by (4.1k points)