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+64 votes
How can I find part-time CADD jobs?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+102 votes
Best answer
when u come to know tell me as well.. even am looking for same. but no success so far
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
It depends on your area of expertise. The companies that mostly use AutoCad are architects, engineers, surveyors and land planners. Try looking up these professions in your yellow pages and either call them or prepare a rate shedule for your services and mail or fax it to any company that falls into these catagories.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
On the face of it, I would suggest doing some work for free right away. When people find out you have some skill at it, they'll come beating down your door for jobs very quickly.. Here is where I'd start. Make a few phone calls. Offer your local fire department your services in using your CADD skills in helping to set up their training scenarios. I was on a fire department. Odds are if they think about it, they will come up with a whole lot of uses for your services. Then, you also have access to 20 - 50 guys who will see the quality of your work. Many of them will have a need for someone who knows about CADD, and they all have friends too. If you contact 5 fire departments with your services, within 6 months you'll probably have so much business and so many contacts you'll be working full time to try to keep up. Best of luck.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
send me some of your work that you have cad....and tell me your years of experience and how many years of experience you have....also how much are you willing to get hour, by job, by contract.....write me at [email protected] work for an architect and I have my own company doing drafting if interested just answer back...
by (4.4k points)