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+75 votes
What are some suitable part-time jobs for nursing students?
by (4.3k points)

7 Answers

+52 votes
Best answer
i worked in the lab at a hospital because i wanted to become a nurse and i thought that would be a great start, and u never know, the hospital that i worked for was going to pay 100 percent of my schooling and then give me a job there.. so u might wanna try that... and also u get experience bc ur working in a HOSPITAL setting.!
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
I would think about becoming a CNA or maybe a therapist aide. These are two occupations that get you some great experience with patients.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You could be a volunteer at a local hospital, you could get a part time job handing out medicine/giving out food at a local nursing home. Good luck with the RN :)
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Nurses assistant in a nursing home or hospital.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
How about a phlebotomist? Or working as a receptionist or assistant in a medical or dental office?
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
you should apply for a position at a hospital for patient care associate. sometimes- most of the time you need to have your CNA license to be able to apply for this job. you can take that course at any community college, and it usually lasts 10-12 weeks. 2x week for very short hours. then you can apply at a hospital. there you will learn how to take care of patients, and learn how to draw blood, and see what nurses actually do. it is the best thing for a wannabe nurse to do, there you will understand the whole picture, what is everybody does and what your role would be. good luck, and dont become a nurse that puts other work onto everyone else, especially the nurse's aide. you wont get very far doing that. and dont ever pass the buck or leave other work for others when you are capable of doing it yourself. also when u are a nurse, and a patient needs a bedpan or needs to go to the bathroom, dont walk out of the room to find the nurse's aide to do it, your there so you should do it. as a nurse you are qualified to that, and most things a nurse's aide can do. just remember that it is your license is the one they're working under, not just you. the patient always comes first. delegation is hard to do, but make sure you do it well, or you will find that you wont be well liked by others. good luck to you. i speak of all of these things because i know what its like and see too many new nurses thinking that their only job is to pass meds, and that is so not true. you have a lot of other things you are responsible for and you need to be able to handle all of it or you wont make it far........ good luck, and remember its not just about being book smart, its about having an excellent bedside manner. you will thank me later for this advice...........
by (4.3k points)