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+81 votes
What is the best method for preparing meat before BBQ?
by (4.5k points)

15 Answers

+78 votes
Best answer
Anyone who doesnt marinate their meat are lazy, i marinate just the same as you for one its more softer and juicier, and 2 better flavor. But thats me though
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Westerners marinate meat too, but for a really good piece of beef (like New York Strip) we usually don't marinate because the meet has such a great flavor by itself. Serve it with nothing but some salt and maybe horseradish. Thin cuts of skirt steak or top sirloin are marinated (like in garlic oil, lime and pepper).
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
a good and an easy way is to clean the steak and then only put salt then spread all over the meat using your fingers then leave it cooking and dont turn the meat or else the flavor is lost when blood starts to buble out on the other side then you turn it and wait for the same resutl
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
hmm do you not know that God wouldnt like you to muder animals for your own gain?. oh and FYI stay out of the gay section if you cant answer properly
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
lots of ways depend on how u want it, u could marinade it for awhile then take it out cut it into eatable peices and jus grill it, u could jus rub the flavor/spices then grill, or jus put a lil lseasoning salt on it then grill it and put ur sauce on it when its about done how we my grandfather do
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
For steak, red wine is a great marinade. If the meat looks a little dry, marinate in a mix of red wine and olive oil.. . For pork or chicken, italian or caesar salad dressing works well.. . I would recommend marinating for at least four hours, preferably overnight.. . Also, I would take the meat out of the refrigerator about one hour before cooking it ... let it warm up a little before putting it on the grill. This will allow it to loosen up and absorb flavor from the cooking process.. . With any of the above, just before putting the meat on the grill, you can rub it with salt, pepper, celery seed, or fennel for some extra flavor.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
it depends on the cut of meat and the quality. top notch high quality meats DO NOT and SHOULD NOT be marinated, they only need to be seasoned with salt and pepper, or use a dry rub on them no more than an hour before grilling.. . people marinate a cheeper cut and/or lower quality meat to give it flavor or to make a tough peice of meat tender
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I am from Missouri USA, and I marinate my meat before BBQing for at least a few hours if not the day before. It breaks down the meat and makes it much more tender than just slapping it on the grill! It always has either wine, juice or vinegar as an ingredient to tenderize and it also helps the marinade flavors to sink deeper into the meat, as well as a bit of olive oil if for fish or chicken. There are other ingredients as well, depending upon what flavors I want to bring out and what type of meat it is.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
In the US, different parts of the country have their own type of BBQ. In many places BBQ is the meat and BBQ sauce of some type. In others, BBQ is meat that has been rubbed with a spices and smoked for long periods of time. Nothing wrong with any of these as long as you think its good.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I think you should pour some of your favourite BBQ sauce on it and BBQ it.
by (4.5k points)