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+94 votes
How can I effectively treat a sore throat or strep throat?
by (4.3k points)

7 Answers

+103 votes
Best answer
Do you mean Strep throat.. . see a doctor strep throat is serious and only a doctor can give you the meds. you need
by (4.1k points)
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If it is just swelling what you have, try naproxen, you can get it at any drugstore. But I think it is almost sure you have an infection, so you will need to go to see the doctor and get some antibiotics. Try to see the doctor ASAP; a common infection can become something worst like a bad cough and bronchitis.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
you can get rid of sore throat by eating a candy cane because the peppermint cools your throat down.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Drink 1 glass of really hot water, almost to the point where it hurts to drink. that will take the pain away for about an hour.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
a strep throat is a bacterial infection that left untreated may result in rheumatic fever which is a co-hort problem to valvular disease of the heart. in later life you may have a problem with valve incompetence. it need to be treated with penicillin.. . a sore throat may be the result of a post nasal drip (pnd) or gastro-esophageal reflux. if it is a pnd, take an antihistamine to dry up your drip. if it is a strep throat, get some penicillin.. the doctor will be able to to do a rapid strep test in 5 minutes to tell you if you need antibiotics
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Take a glass of warm water, add abit of salt into it and drink. It works for me.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
First of all, avoid anything with sugar, chocolate, and milk while your throat is sore. You can try gargling with warm salt water, (put 1 tsp. of salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm water) just make sure you don't swallow any of the salt water. You can also try sucking on Cepacol throat lozenges to get some relief. This may help if your sore throat is caused by a virus or allergies (post-nasal drip down the back of your throat can cause it to become irritated). However, if you are running a fever or there is no improvement in a day or two, I would get it checked out by a doc -your sore throat may be caused by a bacterial infection and you may need antibiotics to kick it. Hope this helps.
by (4.5k points)