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+6 votes
How can I effectively lose belly fat and prevent future weight gain?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+101 votes
Best answer
You gotta' work it off the old-fashioned way--exercise. And then it's just a matter of watching what you eat and staying active enough to keep from putting it back on. I find that losing the weight is the easy part--it's keeping it off that's a bugger.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
3 main things and they have a cummulative effect:. . 1.Lot's of aerobic activity. It raises your metabolic rate, which in turn, burns fat (everywhere on your body). . 2. Weight training. A body with more muscle mass also needs higher metabolic rate to keep the muscles healthy which also equals burning fat. It is literally true that when you are bench pressing, for example, you are helping your body (including your gut) burn fat.. . 3. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates and saturated fat. Unsaturated fat is not bad in moderation. Eat smaller meals more frequently. 5-6 smaller meals a day will avoid over eating at one sitting. Eating too much of whatever at one sitting increases the tendency for the body to store un-used fuel guessed it, fat.. . Oh yeah...and...crunches crunches and more crunches. Nice and slow 2 seconds up and 4 seconds down. Quality is better than quick repetitions. . Have fun!
by (4.3k points)