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+61 votes
What is the meaning and historical background of the term 'subcontinent'?
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+69 votes
Best answer
The word continent is from the Latin "continens" meaning "continuous land." The prefix "sub-" means "less than." So subcontinent is a piece of land smaller than a continent. The term is usually only applied to the region around India or to Greenland.
by (4.0k points)
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0 votes
A subcontinent is a large part of a continent. There is no agreement on what constitutes a subcontinent. Generally, however, a subcontinent is split from the rest of a continent by something like a mountain range or by tectonic plates. The phrase the Subcontinent, used on its own in English, commonly means the Indian subcontinent i.e. South Asia.. . See
by (4.3k points)