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+58 votes
Why is Leviathan referred to as a serpent and said to breathe fire if it is a whale?
by (4.2k points)

16 Answers

0 votes
The word Leviathan is used loosely in the bible. In some passages it refers to leviathan as plural in meaning a certain type of creatures. For example in one passage it says that God broke leviathans heads and gave them as meat to people. This indicates whatever creatures these were, man could not kill them and they were starving. Some theorize this is talking about dinosaurs.. . However in another passage it describes Leviathan as a proper name to one specific creature. It calls him a dragon that lives in the sea and God will kill him later. His mate is another dragon called Rahab which is already been killed.. . When Moses came before Pharoe he threw his staff and it became a dragon. The Magi of Pharoe threw theirs down and they became dragons. Theirs were symbolic of Levathan and Rahab and Moses' God's dragon. God's devouring Lucifer's.. . Jehovah's Witnesses will tell you these are alligators and the lighted eyes refer to light reflecting back. They say the boiling water is a visual effect of an alligator churns the water while turning. Rational explanations however that is not what the bible describes. It says they are literally causing smoke and boiling the water. They also play with ships.. . Almost every culture from North American Indians to Japanese have some kind of dragon mythology. If the bible is true does this validate these mythologies?
by (4.7k points)
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Use some common sense !
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Well maybe dragons really did exist like in the old tales of camalot and such the could have just been killed off by men
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
And many ancient texts refer to horses as "snorting fire," yet no one wonders if horses really do snort fire when we're not looking... I personally don't believe Leviathan was ever a whale, but rather descendant from the Mesopotamian dragon myths. But even if you were to believe the reference was to a literal creature, there is still no reason why "smoke" pouring from his nostrils couldn't refer to the spray that a whale exhales when it comes to the surface to breathe.
by (4.6k points)
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after reading the discription it sounds more like some sort of machine than a living creature
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well, first of all:. . "Why would the bible go into so much detail if these scriptures weren't true?" *lol* I won't even TOUCH that.. . I've always known Leviathan as a serpent, never as a whale. Then again, I get my facts from Final Fantasy ... which is just as credible as the Bible, in my humble opinion.. . ♥
by (4.4k points)