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+58 votes
Why is Leviathan referred to as a serpent and said to breathe fire if it is a whale?
by (4.2k points)

16 Answers

+60 votes
Best answer
You are definately a deep thinking kind of guy. Most people are clueless about this subject as I can see from the answers you've gotten so far. I think we both know the answer don't we ;)
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
he's not a whale, read the whold chapter, and the one before it-- it is the first memtion of dinosaurs in the bible. not a whale at all. and in your concorrdance, it probablly says that the behemoth was a "hippopotamaus or elephant" its not, it is more like a brontasaurous.. . god bless. <3
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
leviathan means large monster. Whales were considered monsters of the sea.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
This is my take on it. It could be that in some verses they are referring to an actual being of the sea. But sometimes it is almost hinting to the possibility that it is being compared to the hideous,crude, sinful behavior humans could be seen displaying and how God intended to destroy it under his own heel. Good luck w/ this! <><
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Hate to send you to the ole Wikipedia. However, I can't exactly show you my owns books.. Do a study on it.. Leviathan may mean whale in Modern Hebrew.. But that is not what it meant in the Bible.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If your read the whole Job chapter 41 you will see that the beast has scales... what whale has scales? Doesnt it also say that it has limbs?
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
These are images from the dragon-myth origins of the Leviathan mythology in Hebrew religion. As I mentioned in an earlier question of yours, Leviathan is in part derived from the Goddess/Sea-Dragon Tiamat in earlier Sumerian mythology.. . The representation of Leviathan in Job underscores his association with Satan in Judeo-Christian mythology. Leviathan represents the evil, destructive, or antisocial dimension of the natural world, the potential for destructive power in nature. Not suprisingly, Leviathan is closely tied with "mythic defamation" (turning the gods of other religions into demons in one's own) of nature deities of the elements (Sea, Air, Fire, and Earth--all of which appear in the Isaiah and Job accounts, if you look).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Maybe Leviathan was a fire-breathing sea serpent that did not survive the Flood (Job is supposed to be one of the oldest books of the Bible); how are we supposed to know?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I've heard that a Leviathan is a type of dinosaur/dragon.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Leviathan the Great Red Dragon -. . Satan is that great red dragon that is in the sea (Re.12:3, Isa.27:1 below).. . Satan is the king/angel of the bottomless pit (Re.9:11 below). . . The Spiritual opening of the bottomless pit/perdition/hell is in the Dead Sea.. . The Dead Sea is outside Jerusalem in the “new” earth, and the Dead Seal is outside of Jerusalem on this earth as well. . . Re.12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon (Isa.27:1 below), having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.. . Isa.27:1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that [is] in the sea (Re.12:3 above).. . Re.9:11 And they had a KING over them, [which is] the ANGEL of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon.. . . . Pat (ndbpsa ©)
by (4.0k points)