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+122 votes
How can I deduct the sales tax from an overall purchase amount?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+33 votes
Best answer
If the sales tax is presented to you in a percent, you have to change it to its decimal form, then multiply, being careful with your decimal points.. . Finally you must either subtract, as you say, or add it to the price, if the store is required to collect it.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Using a calculator, enter the total, then subtract whatever percentage your local State Sales Tax is, in California, the Tax is 7.5%. If the total is $56.10, enter 56.10 into the calculator, then subtract 7.5%, giving you a result of $42.075. The bill, before tax, was $42.08.. . To find out how much tax you paid, enter the total $56.10 then multiply by 7.5% for a total State Sales Tax paid of $4.2075.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
If you're trying to determine how much sales tax you paid on an item based on the gross paid, take the total and divide it by one plus the tax rate. For example, in Phoenix AZ the sales tax rate is 8.1%. Say the total i paid on an item was $108.10. I would take the gross (108.10) and divide it by one plus the tax rate (1.081) and get $100, which was what the item cost before tax was added on. To check it, you can take your original sale price and multiply it by the tax rate (100*.081) which would give you $8.01, plus the original sale price (100+8.01) equals 108.10, what you paid.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
you take off 20 percent by dividing the total divided by the percent!
by (4.3k points)