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+4 votes
What does the term 'choice of reference level' mean in the context of potential and potential difference?
by (4.5k points)

3 Answers

+120 votes
Best answer
Choice of reference simply means that you could designate a fixed potential -- o, positive or negative to a particular point, and then calculate the potential with respect to that point. P.D. on the other hand always remains fixed between two points -- no matter what your reference is!
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
potential diff is between two diff potentials. . potential is taken from infinity. practicall potential cannot be calculated, only potential diffrence can be.. . refer a good physics book for more info.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
my memory isn't very good with this sort of thing but I think potential difference is a fixed quantity but the potential depends on your choice of reference level. . e.g.. potential at start=0. potential at end=10. . potential at start=-5. potential at end=5. . would give the same potential difference but use a different choice of reference
by (4.5k points)