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+112 votes
What is the etiquette behind not placing elbows on the table?
by (4.4k points)

14 Answers

0 votes
John Adriaan is correct. Years ago, it was considered rude to have your elbows on the table at any time, it was also rude to have both hands above the table any time other than when you were cutting food and required the use of a knife (you were supposed to cut the food with both hands, then lower the unused hand to your lap). However, over the intervening years, etiquette has altered and been drawn more towards the European style. You may now use your knife to hold the food on your fork as you guide it to your mouth and you may use the knife to draw food on the plate towards the fork. You still should not scrape the plate with the knife, and you should not have your elbows on the table while main course items are still being served.. . After the main courses have been removed and coffee and dessert are being served, it is allowable to have an elbow on the table because dessert is a less formal period of the meal and discussion across the table is now allowable (during dinner you are supposed to speak only to the person to your left or right, in particularly formal dinners you are supposed to turn your head only in the direction the hostess is speaking - thus the term 'turning the table'), though I believe it is no longer correct for tobacco to be served (cigars, etc) at the dinner table after dinner, instead the smokers are supposed to retire to another room.. . This is the sort of stuff we learned in public school thirty-five years ago (Pond Hill Elementary). I believe this is now the correct procedure.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
well i think it makes your posture look wrong.You turn to relax on the table instead of your chair.Just watch others who do that and you'll know how bad that looks.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
my mom said so therefore it is a unwritten rule of life
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
it's rude because it gives ya a head start to. the vittles.
by (4.6k points)