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+7 votes
Why is having your elbows on the table considered rude?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+16 votes
Best answer
Because a long time ago aka(good ole days)people had to work long and hard for a living(because there wasn't any welfare)..thus their hands were always dirty.. so they wiped their butts with their elbows!. do not put them on the table where you eat!
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
just an example of the conforming culture we live in. Perhaps some time ago in history this was seeen as disrespectful. But it is this that plagues humanity of understanding morality. Why do we take our hats of in buildings. I will never take off my hat if i feel it uneccesary to do so. I dont care what tradtiion says. If you ask someone why cant I put my elbows on the table.. they wil not have a clear answer for you.. because there is no logic behind it. instead of worrying about aspects of character that might actually be going against an idea of universal or personal morality (i dont kknow which is truely more moral) we worry about little things that like elbows and hats that dont mean a DAM thing.. things like these really piss me off.. as you can tell..
by (4.2k points)