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+39 votes
Why do women often focus on a man's income?
by (4.3k points)

16 Answers

0 votes
Because these women are not feminists!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Not all women, but for those few who are interested in a man's income, there are many reasons. One could be that they are just gold-diggers, attempting to persuade the man into getting them whatever they want, and when they are finished using him leave him going onto their next victim. . . The other women just want to make sure that the man they are with is secure financially and other wise. Many divorces end because of financial situations, so those people, men and women, who want to make sure that their partner is financilly set are just doing it to make sure that problems will not arise due to finances in the future.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
You are hanging out in the wrong places. Most of the college educated intelligent women I run with, could care less. If you are looking for 2 t*ts, a hole, and a are probably gonna get someone that wants your money. If you are looking for someone intellegent to spend time with, of course they will come with the above, but also a brain.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Risking to sound like a gold digger I can tell you this: In today's world income is a refelection of person's mind, IQ, education, personality, social and professional skills, confidence. And that's what people (not only women) want in their partner. Nobody wants to date a loser, do they? Is here anybody who would be really interested in a dumb, unachieving, extremely shy and introverted person? Didn't think so.. By the way, there is some study showing that woman's income is important to men as well, but in a different way. Men do not want to date women in the lowest bracket of income range (for the very same reasons listed above!), but they also shy away from women earning a lot (man's ego!). An ideal female partner should earn somewhere in middle, right?. . PS - just for the records -I'm dating a guy who earns less than i do.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I hate dirty filthy money,it's makes some people greedy and selfish,and the more they have the more they want materilistic things that don't matter in life.. When they die they can't take the things with them so what's the point of having all those cars,houses etc.. No wonder it's a sin.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I think you're hanging out with the wrong type of women, Rick.
by (4.4k points)