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+14 votes
Why do some people who work at Walmart and other stores appear to be rude?
by (4.5k points)

17 Answers

+94 votes
Best answer
i use to work at walmart in high school. dealing with impatient people and rude customers all day can be quite taxing. as a chipper person...after about the 5th hour, the smile fades... . lesson here: in spite of the rude cashier, flash them a smile, it may make their day :)
by (4.3k points)
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because they work at WALMART. how would you feel?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Most of the people who are rude at Wal-Mart, don't work behind the counter...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I know what you mean, i work in a designer clothes store in scotland (part time around uni hours) + our store is over the top friendly + helpful, not because we have to but because it's basic manners! if you're getting paid to deal with the public then you really have to remove the chip from your shoulder. When i go into other shops i find the customer services appalling and wonder how management let them get away with it. They act as if its the worst thing in the world to be there, but thats there job they get paid to be there! I'm sure alot of unemployed people would kill for the chance to work! If they don't want to be there then no-one is forcing them! Sorry about that little rant but it really annoys me lol :). . And in answer to the first guy ^^^^ it doesn't matter whether its a corner shop, walmart or gucci, your customers should come first + staff shouldn't take out their grievences or frustrations on customers because their stuck in dead end jobs!!! Customers are the things that keep all these stores open!!! :)
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I don't find people who work at Walmart any more rude than your average citizen. The last time I encountered rude people was the clientele of a exclusive Chicago restaurant. What boobs they were.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I have run into that, too. While I agree that it isn't always the case, I think the workers at Wal-Mart are ruder than the average retail/customer service personnel. I guess I'd be pissed, too, if I worked for a no-good, economy-crashing, demonic, greedy employer like Wal-Mart.. 1. Wal-Mart, due to its philosophy on buying cheap goods, forces more and more American manufacturers either out of business, or to turn their backs on higher profit margins in order to meed W-M's demand for low costs.. 2. Wal-Mart doesn't care that most of its employees work and are STILL eligible for government subsidies like WIC, the food stamp program, and Medicaid. Hell, they don't have to pay it, so it's all good.. I boycotted Wal-Mart a little over seven months ago, the suckers.. My favorite website is below:
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
They're disgruntled. They hate their jobs and they've been working with the public so long that they hate people. They're in the wrong line of work.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
the more important question is why do you care? just buy your crappy wares and leave. these people are underpaid and their job totally sucks you shouldnt be hassling them with stupid questions and attempting annoying meaningless smalltalk nothing pissed me off worse when i worked at retail then when people would attempt to pull you into small talk i just pretended like i was deaf
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Who works at Walmart because working at Walmart is their dream job? Most employees work there because they have to, so because they have to and not because they choose to, they find it unfulfilling. Very few people who are in a job they don't really like that much can rise above that fact to make sure that clients enjoy their shopping experience. This job is hours and a paycheck, it's not about people or service or anything of that nature.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Long hours , Low pay , Customers you just can't please.Gee I don't have a clue
by (4.3k points)