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+110 votes
What impact does dust have on computers and office equipment?
by (4.4k points)

15 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
In MY experience which has been computer repair for 30 years I have found a great number of pcs with cooling problems attributed to dust! I have found processor and case fans that have literally froze up due to dust! Dust has been the prime culprit in most bad power supplies I have replaced. The other Dave either works in a clean room or has only "cracked" a few cases...
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Continuing all theirs, dust IS bad. It clogged up airflow for my video card, next thing I know I'm playing at 1 framerate. So I decided to clean it out, and it's back to normal at a slow pace of 40 fps.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
In my experience dust has virtually no effect on the functioning of computers. I have found huge dust bunnies in every PC I have ever cracked open and they've all worked fine. I suppose it's possible it could interfere with the functioning of the cooling fan which would be bad.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Dust - and far worse Smoke (nicotinic acid) - can cause a degredation of performance on computer systems. "Dust Bunnies" increase heat within a unit by minimizing proper air flow. Heat is one of the largest causes of hardware failure. Dust in the inner workings of a keyboard can make it almost useless. While severe airflow blockages can be caused by dust/dust bunnies within a computer thus causing heat problems - small amounts of dust are unlikely to cause problems unless they contribute to static buildup. The electrical charges caused by static CAN be enough (although may not be) to cause anything from small "crashes" to large scale hardware failure.. . Nicotinic Acid - mentioned above - is far worse than smoke. The Acid adheres to the board and reacts with the cross-channels. The effects are degraded performance, lack of stability, and general lack of servicablility. . . Many computer shops now charge a sur-charge to work on computers owned by folks that smoke around them, due to the health hazard of touching the components (nicotine through the skin).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
it causes it to heat up faster and it keeps the air from the tower
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It renders them inoperable after a period of time because dust collects on the fan blades, which then slows down due to the weight and blockage of air vents, which then causes over-heating, which then causes circuits to malfunction.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
dust can also carry static electricity and can overheat your board
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Dust in a computer can eventually cause heat by the insulating factor that it will create. It is good practive to air or vacume the inside of the case every once in a while. I do my systems in my shop at least twice a year.. . Hope that helps.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
There are two reasons why you should try to keep dust out of your computer. ONE: the accumulated dust clogs cooling fans and heatsinks, causing overly high temperatures.. TWO: The dust dries out the solder on the circuit boards. dry solder will crack and not conduct electricity. very common in T.V's & P.C's. A computer will run full of dirt and dust but its lifespan will be shortened considerably.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
every once in a while its good to clean the dust out just for the cooling. I usually just suck it up with a vacuum, just be careful not to scratch anything. You can always use those compressed air cans, but then you have dust everywhere.
by (4.2k points)