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+8 votes
Why does my dog only chew my wife's belongings and not mine when we are not at home?
by (4.4k points)

10 Answers

+40 votes
Best answer
No it is not separation anxiety. He is obviously closer to your wife than he is to you or you have your things out of reach and she doesn't.. Dog obedience is a great idea for any dog whose owner wants a well behaved canine.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I assume she is his favorite person, right? He is attracted to things with her scent on them. That is why he goes for her possessions.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
maybe he has problem with ur wife. u should take him to obidience school. neutering him probably is part of the problem. u should also talk to a pet physicologist. srry about the slang, i hav a broken arm.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You answered your own question.She took his manhood away.Poor dog.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
AB's rule, woo-hoo! Ok, so I also have an American Bulldog and he's all about chewing my stuff and leaving my boyfriends alone. Mike (the bf) says that's because the pup knows better than to chew his stuff, and that the dog chews mine cause I'm the soft one and he knows he'll get away with it. Dunno if that's really whats going on or not, but something to think about...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Hmmm that's interesting. Did she bring him to get nuetered? If she did, maybe he's associating her with it.. Or maybe he misses her the most when you're gone and he takes it out on her by destroying her stuff.. It's hard to say without ever have knowing your dog. Perhaps you should seek local professional help on this one. Or have you tried a crate? That way, he can't get into anything. That's what we do with our lab when we go out.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
My dog eats my b-friends things too. If there was anything that happened between the dog and your wife that the dog didn't like or felt very uncomfortable about the dog may have not forgotten it and could be holding a grudge.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
What do you expect, here You are, still having sex with your wife, probably letting the dog, especially when he was younger, sleep in the bedroom, or whatever! Now you take that sexual organ away from this poor guy - continue on with your sex life, he's pissed-off at you Buddy!! and he knows if he hits on your wife's possessions, she will get angry at You - tit for tat!! Animals are really intelligent, check it out with a reputable "dog whisper".. no joke! Until such time, give your "best friend" something of hers and let him keep it and don't get up-set with him. He is Only a child still! Good Luck and if he keeps it up - check to see if he is getting more teeth, give him a "frozen" facecloth, dogs love to chew on it. Keep a few handy in the freezer - try it out.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Dogs react to scent-her scent may be stronger than yours and why he chews hers. I doubt very much its any reaction to the neutering for dogs live in the now and animals do not scheme in such a way anyway-that is strictly a human trait. If you do not wish him to chew things then you should not have him have access to those things but do give him a item with your and her scent on it-will lessen either the separation anxiety or just BOREDOM for at 15 mos not far from being a pup and it may be a trait of the breed which is a working dog-so if you do not give him something to do like chew toys or old stuff(Nothing he can tear and swallow)then because of his nature he will find things to do and her scent being stronger than yours spends his time in the garage chewing(activity for him) her things.You really in order to undrstand your dog-learn the characteristics,traits of the particular breed that your dog is and since a working dog-needs stuff to do.Did a quick search and got some info on bulldogs but do a search for there is a lot of info and many sites so you will understand the breed you have although keep in mind your dog is still a individual. It does say possessive about food and not to feed when small kids or other dogs near. Used to be used until laws forbade to bait bears and bulls but now is a loyal family pet that is not overly aggressive and very gentle.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
he doesn't like her cuz she took his stuff now hes taking her stuff.
by (4.3k points)