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+43 votes
Why does my dog frequently chew or scratch itself?
by (4.3k points)

12 Answers

+40 votes
Best answer
Sounds like a flea problem Try defleaing.. Don't bathe your dog with regular shapoo. It will make it's skin very dry also.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Probably fleas or allergies. You can give your dog a tablet of Benadryl if fleas are not the issue.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
Give the dog a bath with scratchex flea soap.Follow directions.If the dog has fleas,,use Hartz flea spray from the neck to the tip of the tail.Everywhere but the head.For hot spots(where the fur is worn from scratching),,use releif dog spray.Do not use sprays around pet birds.Wash bedding & home with bleach.Vaccuum alot.If the dog doesnt have fleas,,it may be a skin condition.Consult vet.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i think your dog has fleas or ticks or some other type of parasites i think you should take the dog to a vet
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Or it could be something other than flees- ever heard of scabies? I think they're bugs under the sking or something? . . If it's flees you should see flee droppings in your dogs fur.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Check for fleas and ticks first. . . If it's not fleas or ticks, check his food. My dog is allergic to corn, either in dog food or from the table or corn products. He breaks out all over, and scratches and bites. We noticed this when he was a puppy. We have to check food we buy and make sure it's rice and not corn based.. . He might also be itchy due to something else that is causing an allergy. Check chemicals you use on floors where he lays or something like that.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
if he/she doesnt have parasites (ex: fleas ticks).. try going to your vet because it might be a skin irritation and will need some medication for it..
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
All the answers on fleas sound very probable but some dogs also have nervous habits such as constant biting or licking. Try spraying "Bitter Apple" (can be found at most pet stores) or a similar deterrent spray if fleas are not the cause on the places your dog bits at teh most. Take your dog with you when picking out the spray as some dogs are not affected by one brand as another and they can become immune to the taste over time. It’s also useful in training of your dog. Best of luck!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
sounds like flee's. if he is biting and causing himself to bleed he needs a bath in some stuff from petstore. he needs a collar and some specialized stuff because he is probably really far along with his infestation.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
If the behaviour is excessive, it could be fleas. Otherwise, its another way of relieving an itch.. . It could also be obsessive behaviour caused by trauma or neurological problems. . . If it looks more like a grooming action, then biting, the dog could be doing this to soothe itself. This common thing in dogs that are taken too young from their mothers.. . If the dog is biting mostly at its rear, then I would guess it needs its anal glands expressed.
by (4.4k points)