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+37 votes
How can one overcome negative thoughts?
by (4.6k points)

13 Answers

+75 votes
Best answer
you need to see your doc ASAP. sounds like a mental disorder that can be treated. don't be embarrassed! it's common.. i sometimes just put on some headphones and listen to music i like.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
try getting some lexapro
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Try reading Joel Osteen's book "my best life now". I am not a reader at all but a friend gave this book to me. It will change your life!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Please don't take any meds like a few are saying. When you take the meds you are supressing your issues. They will never go away unless you deal w/ it. Try some meditation, yoga, or you could even talk to someone. You can get through this w/ out any meds. Life is crazy and there is many times that we ALL fell like this, so the only way to handle it is to deal w/ the issues. writing lists of my problems or issues has helped me before. The problem is that when you are thinking of all these things that are going on in your life you tend to get OVERWHELMED. Write a list of everything you are worring about. Come to your first conclusion on how to fix the most important, then work your way down the list. EVERY SINGLE one of us have this problem, but in the world today the answer is MEDS. I feel that people are so uneducated on what these meds acutally do to you mind. For example.... The reason why people have problems getting off these antidepressents is because you brain when on these meds(lexapro, zoloft, ect) stops producing the drug seritonin NATURALLY ( this drug gives you your calm state). So when you stop taking the meds you go through withdrawls because your brain is used to not producing it naturally. Doctors don't tell us this. They make money when they hand you that prescubtion. Believe me TOO many people take these meds that really don't have to. You can get through this!! I promise. I've had anxiety for years and I take NO meds. I'm happpily married w/ 2 girls ya I still get overwhelmed w/ life, but WHO DOESN'T. You can do it!! Email me if you need to talk! Take Care
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well based on your avatar you say ten years, so I am assuming that you are ten years old. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I am going to write to you like I would to a ten year old. . You are ten. No you will not always worry for the rest of your life. You are just worrying about some things right now. Whatever is bothering you you need to tell an adult about it. Tell your parents or some adult you trust what is on your mind. Everybody thinks about bad stuff sometimes because sometimes bad things happen! . What you have to do is start thinking about good things and all the things that you like. If you do that when you are feeling bad about something then you will forget about the bad things pretty quickly. . Still though tell some adult that you trust about what you are feeling. I promise they will help you.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You need to clear your mind for a few minutes. Try doing something you enjoy, hangout with some friends, something like that. Another possibility is that you have a vitamin deficiency, which causes you to worry, try Vitamin B supplements. If that fails, you should then consult a doctor or therapists. I think you should try to save meds for the last resort.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
The trick is to see thought as the illusion that it is. Click on an avatar or face of an answerer here. Scroll down and see all that person's answer and question history. Click on one of those answers. When that question/answer page comes up, click again randomly on another avatar face. Scroll down and click on another random question and repeat the whole process over and over again. Just humor me and do this random meandering for several minutes. Now, before you start to back out by clicking the back button one step at a time that you took, stop for a second and consider this: What if we did NOT have a back-up button? What if you had to remember how you got there? What if there WASN'T any way to back up? Just sit there and try to figure out how to get rid of all that gobbledygook that you randomly built up between the page where you wind up and the page you started out at. The way out of our piles of illusionary thought, sir, when there's no back-up button, is to move your cursor up to the far right corner of the screen and click the almighty wipe 'em out "X"! You're in a self-made trap of delusionary moths. Let all your thoughts go and get yourself physically healthier. Get a good medical checkup, consider some of the new anti-depressants (they are safe and meaningful and amazingly effective) and practice avoiding delusionary moths in the future.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Talk to your friends, or a family member, or a doctor. A lot of people are sad or scared or angry, for a lot of different reasons, but the people who are best off are the ones that are honest and talk about it to someone they trust. I had a couple years where my worry got so bad that I started having panic attacks, where I couldn't stop hyperventalating and I felt awful, but when I started reading about depression, anxiety and panic in some books my mom got me I felt a lot better - just knowing I wasnt alone - and even though i still worry I can deal with it a lot better.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
go to therapy. that's what its for.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Think abou heavenly wonderful things in Bible.. . In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.. God gives you air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.. God gives you water to drink and food to eat.. God gives you a wonderful body and sound mind, to live.. God loves you, and you are precious to Him.. Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.. Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.. We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.. Life therefore has fantastic and glorious future!. (Digestion of above can even prevent depression and suicidal thoughts.)
by (4.5k points)