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+107 votes
What ethical considerations are associated with pornography?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+76 votes
Best answer
Everyone's morality on that subject will be different.. . I say, if an adult woman wants to choose that career, then it is her choice. I just can't stand when they whine about being "exploited" later, when they knew the career they were choosing.. . Personally, I do not like it, so I do not watch or buy it, but the fact that is goes on does not bother me.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Morality on this can be very touchy with alot of people. But as a personal view, i look at this as i would alcohol. Taken in moderation, under the correct pretense, it can be enjoyable and mutualy satisfying. but used as a means to an end, getting sloshing drunk is just as bad as becomming sexualy dependant and otherwise comparitive to all women with it. in other words, its fine to turn yourself on with it, but dont expect it to be something your life can be modeled after.
by (4.2k points)