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+96 votes
Why do people prioritize Santa Claus over the true meaning of Christmas?
by (4.4k points)

14 Answers

+47 votes
Best answer
Are you saying that Santa didn't die on the cross for your sins! Blasphemer!
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
It is what the pagans do and most Christan's are ignorant of it all.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Uh...well for one most everything you do at the decorating a tree, giving gifts, lighting candles, wreaths, stockings, Santa, red and green...etc are all PAGAN in origin. Maybe you guys should stop celebrating your saviors birth in this manner. Maybe you could go to stables, sit in the hay and eat unleavened bread or something. Oh no, the pagan things that you co-opted are much more fun aren't they? . . Why don't you stop trying to shove your version of X-mas on everyone and make your own savior the focus of YOUR holiday.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Christmas is different things to different people. It's a fact and you cannot change everyone. Just make it what you need it to be for yourself to be happy, and you'll be fine.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Most people now a days acknowledge that the Bible does not say Christmas is Jesus birthday. Jesus is the reason for everything, their is not one day He should not be acknowledged, and their should not be 1 day alone that He is acknowledged. God never told us to celebrate Jesus birthday. And I will have to agree with all the non beleivers on this one. Christmas was of an entirely pagan tradition. I as a Christian celebrate Christmas, I am not hypocritical, I do not run around with my tree and cookies , presents and snowmen saying today is Jesus' birthday. If you are really celebrating Christmas as Jesus' birthday fine set that day aside w/ no pagan rituals and dedicate the whole day to Him. My family celebrates and we honor God on that day as on all day, and thank Him for the Grace He sheds to us.Christmas is a family time for us, to give as well as recieve in the name of Christ Jesus.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Because people value worldly gifts above the spiritual ones that God gives us. And because anything that makes them money the retail store exploit to the fullest and Santa makes them dollars.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
What do you mean "true" meaning of Christmas? Whether Santa and his little elves are present or not, Christmas is still a lie. It is not the birthday of Christ. Instead, it is a pagan holiday that true Christians avoid.
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
santa is way cooler than jesus + we actually get stuff from santa. all you get from jesus is guilt!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Paganism is the reason for the season actually.. . They added Jesus later. Look it up...
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Did you stop to think that it is partly because NOT ALL people believe in your god. Of course if they don't believe in your god Santa will always come before your god in their eyes. My kids are old enough to know Santa is me and their father. However Santa is fake as well but at least he is all good. You don't get told your going to burn in hell for not believing in Santa. BTW Maybe you should brush up on your Pagan/wican skills as far as the holidays go.
by (4.1k points)