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Why do some atheists choose to get married?
by (4.2k points)

26 Answers

0 votes
It was not created by any god. This is another myth. I love my wife. We made a commitment to each other. We made it legal.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
The institution of marriage predates Christianity and wasn't initially related to the idea of religion. I think cultures evolve in similar ways to species and our ideas about what marriage is vary from person to person. For myself and my husband it was a commitment ceremony that symbolized making a pledge to share our lives and be there for one another exclusively in front of our family and closest friends. We had a notary marry us who was a friend and in no way associated with a religious organization. Nothing to do with God in our ceremony. Some people may feel that this is not a real marriage to them. I think different people in our society define marriage differently. I don't see denying them the right to make a commitment to each other if they wish. I'll post a link about the changing nature of marriage.. . From the link:. "The first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies uniting one woman and one man dates from about 2350 B.C., in Mesopotamia. Over the next several hundred years, marriage evolved into a widespread institution embraced by the ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans. But back then, marriage had little to do with love or with religion."
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Marriage wasn't created by any god or goddess. It was created by people. Marriage or handfasting or whatever one's culture calls it, is basically only an agreement to be companions, helpmates etc. with eachother for a set amount of time. Pagans often used a year and a day, at which time it was decided if a longer time would be chosen or the union dissolved. If a child was born durning this time, often the parents would agree to remain together to raise the child/children until the youngest child was "of age" in their culture. . The Marriage that you're thinking of is a christian joining. if an athiest chose to marry in a christian setting it could be for many reasons: appeasing family heads, the asthetics, an enjoyment of tradition, they feel like it. . They would get married in general because they love eachother and wish to make a ritualized and legal commitment to eachother.. . . blessed be. . ps. what's a WSIDR?
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
you must have missed your history lessons...marriage existed in all ancient cultures, ancient Romans,Greeks, etc. please check Hammurapi lived 1810 BC - 1750 BC, he was the king of the Babylonian Empire, created the so called Hammurapi's Code of Laws, if you read through it, there are loads of information (rights, rules etc) about marriage itself, especially from law #128 that was written down 2 almost thousand years before the Bible was written.Didn't have anything to do with God at all.. it was all about civil rights, inheritance, compensation etc.. a sole church wedding doesn't qualify as a legal marriage in any's an 'addition' if you want to swear twice.... anyways,strangely enough most people get married these days because they love each other.... many people don't need the approval of The Church, cause they don't feel guilty for expressing their true love towards another human being.. i guess you are a virgin if not married, or your wife was the first woman you ever laid eyes on?honest now...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because marrige has nothing whatsoever to do with God or religion, unless you want it to. The are many legal rights that become automatically available to a legal spouse, like automatically inheriting property and the right to speak for a spouse if he or is incapacitated.Civil marriage is legally recognized in many countries while church marriages are not. You can have one, but the marriage is not recognized by the state until the civil ceremony . . And most important Atheists fall in love!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Marriage is a *social* institution, created for the purpose of defining familial units within society.. . You and the WSIDR would make a lovely couple. Where are you registered for gifts?. . .
by (4.2k points)