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+25 votes
Why do some atheists choose to get married?
by (4.2k points)

26 Answers

+110 votes
Best answer
Marriage, like god, is a manmade concept. Thanks for playing. We have some lovely gifts for you backstage.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
The bonding of two human beings was around long before man created god.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Sorry dude - marriage was not created by god. It was created as a social institution long, long before JC, the Bible or any other religion.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Yes, for the health benefits and the tax break. This is why I'll get married as opposed to just living together in love. That peice of paper is pretty usefull
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
An atheist would not beleive that marriage was created by god so your question makes no sence. Marriage is more of a legal civil union to most people these days.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Marriage is an institution created by men and women.. (just like Gods and religions by the way). Marriage is an act of civil law. Religion has nothing to do with it...
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The Barna Research Group, a poll/survey company owned by fundamentalist christians, did a study in 1999 on divorce in US couples where the two people had the same religion. . . Guess who had the highest rate of divorce? Fundamentally retarded christians.. . Guess who had the lowest rate of divorce? Two groups:. 1) Catho-lice (who supposedly prevented from having divorces at all).. 2) Atheists.. . It seems that atheists are better at building and maintaining a mature, respectful and long lasting relationship than any christian.. . . In typical christian cowardice, the barmy group - oops, Barna - have since tried to hide the evidence of their own study. No doubt they're doctoring the numbers to fit their opinions and pre-drawn conclusions.. . . .
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
ouch i swear the questions on here are getting more and more hateful, a world without christianity is really what it needs, im not blind or stupid i know how crazy christians are, look at jim jones and charles manson or perhaps hitler for a better example.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Marriage today is both a secular and a religious institution. Many atheists marry for the secular benefits. Plus it is a part of Western culture. Even though it may have its origins (in the west) in religion, it has become a part of mainstream culture. . . That aside, I have a lot of problems with your logic on this. If God created everything as you say, then how could atheists not be a part of something he created? Whether they married or not, they would be a part of something god created, right? If god created everything, as you say, he also created homosexuality, polygamy, and adultery and so people practicing those would just as much be a part of something god created.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Why are you so stupid?. . Marriage has existed in every culture, in every religion, for every period of human existence. It has NOTHING to do with any particular god(s) or religions.. . Get your head out of your @ss.
by (4.4k points)