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+13 votes
How can one overcome negative thinking?
by (4.4k points)

15 Answers

0 votes
Hello dear. Your problem is commen.Do't worry, take some practical measures to avoid the problem.Hear are some steps- . 1.Always look for positove people.. 2.with your teacher always ask a question.. 3.spend your most of the time in important work for you are working.. 4.Always believe in yourself& avoid those who give you tension.. 5Be ready to face problems& take your life easy.. 6.In a group try to give a new idea.. 7.write s'thing every day.. 8.Believe in god.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i was just like you!. but then i looked around at everyone by and thought to myself over and over. "pfft, i'm the greatest person i have ever met to be honest". so i kept repeating that to myself a zillian times and wow, i'm actually respected ALOT more.. =]. xxxx
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
trust me this has happened to me many times. just think about something that makes you happy, your mom, a friend, a place where you were happy. it will make you feel better. also, excersizing will help too, because when you excersize your body lets out endorphins, and that makes you happy. . . feel better :]
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
For Best result : Go to a Beach , Wake up in the early Morning hours much before the sunrise . Smell the fresh Morning Air and Listen to the waves crashing and just close your eyes and Meditate . It will refresh your mind and release all the negative energy and help you to control you mind .. . Play Sports/Games , Exercise , do any creative work , . . Dont Sit Idol . . . And lots of things which you do depending where you live , what you do , etc .
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Visit the
by (4.3k points)