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+13 votes
How can one overcome negative thinking?
by (4.4k points)

15 Answers

+120 votes
Best answer
Try literally telling them to shut up and go away.. I had a friend who was a lot like you seem to be, she used to imagine/visualize her negative thoughts as a little troll, and use to tell it to go away, swear at it and all sorts, but it did work for her. She also found a troll like soft toy and used to have it handy and throw it across the room lol, yes I know it does sound a little mad, but most of the time it made her laugh which is a positive thing in itself, it turned her life round, and stopped her being so down on herself.. No I am not on medication either, but the though of her doing what she used to has also helped me when I feel down, I remember her and her antics and it lifts my spirit.. Good Luck
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
well, i like myself, i like my appearance and my body shape, but i don't like the life im having right now cos of the mistakes i had when i was younger. so i also want to commit suicide from time to time. your appearance has nothing to do with it. u might be ugly but very wealthy and loved. ´fix your life style, this is gonna do smth for your positive thinking. all the rest is just temporary
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
strangely, thats how i feel sometimes.....i think mine is hormonal as i do get really down before my period and have all kinds of irrational thoughts, like everyone has their lives together except me and im just this misery who cant get anything right! It does go though and i start to feel normal, untill next month! Ive started taking 5-htp from holland and barrett along with other vitamins this is supoosed to increase seratonin levels naturally...i'll let you know how it goes!xx
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Smartblonde. . Negative thinking happens to everybody. But you can learn to handle it.. . What I normally do when I start going down the negative way is replace my thougths for positive ones. Maybe this will help you:. . . You are wonderful and you are important. You also have a lot of potential. Instead of doing negative thinking, start planning how you´d like your life to be! . . Love
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
My dear I have a simple philosophy: on one side is well and good and at the other is bad, wrong and stupid. Of course suicide is a stupid fact to make, not recommended to take it on you, or anyone else as a matter a fact. You must ask before you do something "in which category you are of making what you want to make or think". As you still think well as what is good and bad is a prove the fact as you put yourself this problem. You cannot pass those thoughts at all, in time will be back. Try at the moment to find the better or the good part of the fact. This will help you to not think at bad for a time, if you believe is bad what you are doing. I am personally have this kind of thinking time to time, neither I enjoyed. Sometimes I want like you to escape those thoughts, sometimes I put bad before just to not be surprise when it happen, or I have already an plan for that situation. As I wrote upper try to see the good part if you feel is not good what you do by thinking bad at that moment.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Try to think of things you are thankful for. I can be a very negative thinker myself, so every day I try to think of what I am grateful for. I also try to remain humble and not ask for too much for myself. After all, people get by with alot less than I have and are happy for it in the meantime.. . Get involved with something, anything. Activity and action are the best antidotes. Go for a walk or bicycle ride. Call a friend. Play with a child. Walk the dog. Volunteer to visit hospital-bound veterans or housebound senior citizens. Learn to play a musical instrument or take dance classes. Start a blog.. . Set some long-term goals, then work toward them. And there are probably some more wierd freaks out there who would love to have your company! :P
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
We all have negative thoughts, and feel bad and are negative from time to time. First, give your negative thought, a thought. Why are you having it, really dig for an answer. Sometimes we are negative just because we are afraid of change so we tell ourselves we can't do that, so we don't try-problem solved, not. Ok, you've given it it's two seconds of glory, now you have the choice of changing some behaviour or making a decision, whatever. So let's take the no body likes me attitude--why? Well I'm a weird freak--(says you, maybe you're just hanging with wrong minded people) so what makes you weird? Unique is good, accept that about yourself. If you are truly weird, can you change that? do you want to? So you decide on this stuff. Now you gave the negative thought it's two minutes of glory. When it hits again, remember your solution, sometimes it's 'I'm not changing I accept myself as I am', and that's when you bring in the positive thought. I am unique, that's good enough for me, that's my decision I accept myself as I am and smile. . Your negative thoughts need addressing, they need to be faced and a decision made on them, then they get relegated to the back burner or right out the door. And you set a trigger to bring in a positive thought. your trigger is simply this is making me feel like crap for no good reason, you stop, think of your decision, or make one, and hit yourself with a positive thought.. Meditating helps a great deal with this. It doesn't happen quickly, give yourself a break and the time to accomplish it.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
There is only one you. Don't compare yourself to other people, You have to love yourself. Being a 'weird freak" really just means you are unique, not like everyone else. Congratulations for being different than the norm! You can control your thoughts - push negative ones away. You don't need them. If you can't control feeling depressed, see a counselor.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You can be positive in Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind.. . In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.. God gives you air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.. God gives you water to drink and food to eat.. God gives you a wonderful body and sound mind, to live.. God loves you, and you are precious to Him.. Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.. Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.. We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.. Life therefore has fantastic and glorious future!. (Digestion of above can even prevent depression and suicidal thoughts.)
by (4.1k points)
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I took a course on ridding oneself of anxiety and depression last year. One of the techniques described and taught was self-talk - what we tell ourselves.. . What you do is talk to yourself as you would talk to a friend. Make yourself "scripts" to reverse the negative things that you tell yourself. After you do this for a few weeks, you start to believe it - really.. . Try the books by Lucinda Bassett on anxiety and depression. They go into more detail and explain how self-talk can increase your self-esteem and confidence.. . Good luck and God bless!
by (4.2k points)