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+112 votes
What are ways to increase low blood sugar levels?
by (4.5k points)

13 Answers

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well stop eating sugar
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
As a diabetic and having suffered with sudden drops, I ALWAYS have a box/pack of juice (capri sun) available (one stashed in every room because you never know where you will be when it hits). Another option, which works well when stuck in a store or traffic, are GLUCOSE TABLETS. They can be found in the drug aisle almost anywhere (where the diabetic supplies would be - no-sugar candies etc). They taste like a powdery sweet tart. Each tab is about 5 carbs. You can suck, chew or dissolve them with water in your mouth. I have to hide them from my kids so that says something. . . If you are not diabetic, but hypoglycemic, you should carry something with you that is healthy for snacking -- granola bar, raisens/dried cranberries or other dried fruit. Make your own trail mix with nuts and fruit and pretzels or cereal (protein and complex sugars - the sugars bring you up out of your low and the protein/carbs makes it last) Don't rely on something "sugary" to get you up. Because then you go "up" and go too high and feel bad then too. Just sugar will drop quick too -- so you need to combine your sugar, protein and carbs to make it last.. . Consult a nutritionist or health fitness instructor. They often can suggest things you can carry with you that will help and be healthy. I'd also have your physician check your thyroid and hormones -- there could be something going on causing these sudden drops.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
The blood glucose can be raised to normal within minutes by taking (or receiving) 10-20 grams of carbohydrate. It can be taken as food or drink if the person is conscious and able to swallow. . Hypoglycemia is relatively common in diabetics. It occurs when too much insulin or oral antidiabetic medication is taken, not enough food is eaten, or from a sudden increase in the amount of exercise without an increase in food intake.. In certain cases, some persons suffer from Reactive hypoglycemia. They suffer from hypoglycemia immediately after taking food.. This amount of carbohydrate is contained in about 3-4 ounces (100-120 ml) of orange, apple, or grape juice, about 4-5 ounces (120-150 ml) of regular (non-diet) soda), about one slice of bread, about 4 crackers, or about 1 serving of most starchy foods. Starch is quickly digested to glucose, but adding fat or protein retards digestion. Symptoms should begin to improve within 5 minutes, though full recovery may take 10-20 minutes. Overfeeding does not speed recovery and if the person has diabetes will simply produce hyperglycemia afterwards.. Hypoglycemia unrelated to exogenous insulin therapy is an uncommon clinical syndrome characterized by low plasma glucose level, symptomatic sympathetic nervous system stimulation, and CNS dysfunction. Many drugs and disorders cause it. Diagnosis requires blood tests performed at the time of symptoms or during a 72-h fast. Treatment is provision of glucose combined with treatment of the underlying cause. . Please see the web pages for more details on Hypoglycemia.
by (4.1k points)