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+80 votes
Why do some Christians become upset or angry?
by (4.0k points)

32 Answers

0 votes
Don't confuse getting mad with getting infuriated at your stubborness.. . You can't prove a true Christian wrong about anything, because truth is universal.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You can't disprove faith... that's why it's faith.... and if you don't believe in Christ or his teachings, why are you trying to hold others to a higher standard than you have for yourself? It's not a Christians place to judge... that will be Christ's job when he comes again... we're to show compassion... I don't judge you because you're a non-believer.... . To seriously answer your question though... I think we Christians, and the Christian church as a whole does a poor job of teaching our members how to debate non-believers, so some people get frustrated when they don't have an answer to all of your questions... combine that with the fact that a huge % of people who claim to be Christian don't actually attend church, and you have a large portion of the "Christian" population that is not prepared to wage a serious argument for their own faith... and that is frustrating.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because they're too drunk to fu_ck!!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Oh ye of such little faith. Religion is about believing not seeing. No wonder most of the world is going to hell. There are too many people out there who need physical cold hard proof that Jesus really existed in order to believe in Him. Thats not how religion works. Christians get angry because Christians know that their religion is right and everyone elses is wrong. But of course you atheist believe that there is no way only 1 religion is right out of 10,000. So to they dont believe in religion.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Perhaps they get annoyed when you insist that you’ve proven them wrong, when they know you haven’t. Considering some of the odd things I’ve read on YA to disprove Christianity, I can see how that could happen for those whose natural instinct isn’t to crack up laughing. (like me)
by (4.3k points)
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Because they don't want to accept that the Bible is not true.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Forgiveness and abstaining from condemning others does not mean that one cannot express anger and get mad......getting angry is not a sin.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Why did you just stereotype most Christians as angry bigots?. . Actually the Bible says not to judge by outward appearances.... . But it does say to make the right judgment, to discern, and to correct, to rebuke, and to righteousness.... . So when we condemn sin, it is right and not discriminatory to do so.... so long as we remember that we to are sinners.... but we are saved by God's mercy and grace... Jesus Himself.... . And we likewise are to show mercy and grace and forgiveness and love to all.... even those that don't deserve it.. . . God bless you and yours.
by (4.3k points)
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because they have a problem admitting that someone other than their religion has an answer. Its a pride issue.. . Or at least, that is my opinion.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
They are human beings. Just like us non-believers.. . A
by (4.5k points)