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+74 votes
How can one pursue a career as a member of the House of Representatives?
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+82 votes
Best answer
Depending upon the district size and composition it could take anywhere from 250,000 to millions plus. You really need to gain party support and be able to go out and raise campaign funds from the public and individual sources. Focus on working for and within the party, perhaps try to land a staffers job or run for a lower level office to get established. It is not impossible but it is highly improbable at 25 unless you are independently wealthy and want to send you own money.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
You'll need a few hundred thousand. Or friends in the right places. Start talking to people and getting them to like you. They can vote you in during an election. You could climb the political ranks of your own community then go to congress. I wouldn't imagine people are actually given respectable jobs at 25, old guys love to undermine younger guys positions if they're the same or near the same because it makes them feel like they have no rank, that their years of work were for nothing, because just anyone can get the position. I'd go for the friends in the right places part. That means studying up on politics and learning the correct standing to where everyone is happy. Then voicing this confidently, and never forgetting the people you represent. Doing all of this will most likely get you well off in politics.
by (4.4k points)