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+117 votes
Discuss the reasons why some people might view sex in a negative light.
by (4.6k points)

25 Answers

0 votes
it was a form of birth control and paternity...if youve only had sex with your husband, then you know its his kid...they didnt have paternity test back in the day and it was a major consern, like in middle eastern countries when a female shames her family by having sex outside of marriage
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
because for religious folks anything that is fun is a sin. forget the church dogma, go to it and good luck.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Have you heard of AIDS, it is a sex related disease, all religions are based on science, and that is the reason sex is bad before marriage and "sex is fun when done with one"
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
To me, that is the way for the body to cleanse itself for feeling dirty, in a sense. But the best thing to do is not get the body dirty in the first place, stay away from the naughty stuff and for others not to provoke any dirty feelings, aka, tease someone unless they are married as one under God. Still then it is not good for recreation, only procreation. It is best that no intense, powerful emotions are brought out in anyone. Strong emotions create strong impulse. Impulse=thoughtless actions. Thoughtless actions=more chance of doing wrong. Impulse=chaos and the devil loves chaos. God loves reason, logic, and patience. Think before you do. Do not love anything too much on this earth nor dislike anything too much. Love is good until it crosses a boundary and dislike is good also until it crosses a boundary. You can see the love part but the dislike part tells us also what isn't good for the body or to stay away from. For one to be peaceful, one mustn't be excited happily, or depressive and angry, but the fine line in between. At peace meaning no emotions to taint your thoughts so you can be reasonable and judge reasonable. The impulses of sex can destroy that.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
First, Adam and Eve WERE husband and wife.. . Second, do you really need to ask? STDs, unwanted pregnancies (leading to absentee fathers), etc.. . However, the real issue is much deeper than that. The Bible talks about a special bond that takes place during sex, that the two become one (this is not just talking of the physical act). It says that sexual sin is the only way to sin against one own's body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Purity IS a BIG deal. No, it's not just natural, and yes, you can go to hell for it. When you get married, you understand all the more just how big of a deal it is.
by (4.2k points)